Psychosocial gateway for NDIS welcomed by Mental Health Australia

Mental Health Australia has welcomed the Productivity Commission’s report on National Disability Insurance Scheme Costs, recommending the need for a specialist gateway for people with psychosocial disability entering the NDIS.

Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said the PC report lays out clear actions to resolve long standing implementation barriers.

“Efforts to date have failed to put the needs of people who live with psychosocial disability at the centre of implementation plans, the Productivity Commission report corrects this.”

“Governments, the NDIA and the mental health sector now have to ensure the right expertise, experience and consumer and carer consultation is put in place to deliver this new psychosocial gateway.”

“The NDIA, the Joint Parliamentary Committee and now the Productivity Commission have all recognised that existing processes are ill-suited to people with a psychosocial disability, compromising positive outcomes for individuals and also undermining public confidence in the Scheme and its effectiveness.”

“Implementing a psychosocial gateway will improve access and planning processes, which in turn will improve outcomes for individuals, both Scheme participants and non-participants.”

“Mental Health Australia is now looking forward to working with key stakeholders, especially consumers and carers, to turn this recommendation into a reality.”

“Mental Health Australia has also welcomed the PC’s call for all governments to make public their commitments to existing recipients of disability services beyond NDIS transition.”

“This is especially critical for people currently accessing community mental health programs which are due to expire when the NDIS rolls out,” said Mr Quinlan.

“Consumers and carers have waited for far too long to know what the future of their services will look like, and we hope they soon see.”

The National Disability Insurance Agency should implement a psychosocial gateway. The gateway should be the primary pathway that people with psychosocial disability enter the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The gateway should:
• use specialised staff
• operate on a face-to-face basis to the greatest extent possible
• consider models of outreach to engage people with psychosocial disability who are unlikely to approach the scheme
• provide linkages to both clinical and non-clinical services and supports outside the scheme • collect data on both entrants into the scheme and people linked to services and supports outside the scheme.


Media Contact Lach Searle – 0488 076 088


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