Calling for Friends of Mental Health Australia
Article by Mental Health Australia
Calling for Friends of Mental Health Australia
Every year, one in five Australians will have a mental illness.
Yet our system is fundamentally broken. We are trying, in partnership with our members and consumers and carers, to fix it. This year we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the trajectory of mental health in this country.
But we need everyone’s help to do it.
We know you care about mental health, so do we. As the national peak body representing the mental health sector, Mental Health Australia works with service providers, consumers and carers to help make real and meaningful change in the mental health space.
Support from everyday Australians will help us continue to make a big difference to the lives of people living with mental illness.
So we want you to become a non-voting individual member of our organisation, by signing on as a Friend of Mental Health Australia. For a small fee, you can help us and stay in touch with the national debate on mental health by receiving a range of additional benefits including:
A weekly CEO Update Newsletter – outlining the latest developments in mental health
Our bi-monthly newsletter Perspectives – with stories from the sector
A quarterly update on mental health and the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Your friendship will help us achieve our vision of mentally healthy people, mentally healthy communities, so please sign-up today.
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