Experiences with Disability Employment Services – Consumer and Carer Survey

The Mental Health Council of Australia (MHCA) is undertaking a project to:
- lift mental health consumer and carer engagement and knowledge of the Disability Employment Services program; and
provide mental health consumer and carer advice to the Australian Government about service needs and ways to improve future disability employment services.
Have you used Disability Employment Services, or do you care for someone who has?
The MHCA is keen to hear from consumers and carers about your knowledge and experiences with Australian Government Disability Employment Services via a short online survey. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and people who wish to discuss their experiences with Disability Employment Services with us in greater detail can elect to do so by providing their contact details. Otherwise the survey can be completed anonymously.
Feedback from the survey and any follow up discussions will be consolidated. All stories, names and experiences will remain anonymous.
For more information about this project please contact the MHCA on 02 6285 3100 or via the MHCA Contact Us form.
** Please note this survey has now closed.