Integrating Mental Health into the NDIS Conference December 2014
The Integrating Mental Health into the NDIS Conference was held by Informa Australia from 27-28 November 2014 in Sydney. Topics covered included scheme design, emerging lessons from the launch sites, the changing landscape for service providers, integrating the NDIS with other service systems and maximising choice and control. Presenters included
- Frank Quinlan, CEO of Mental Health Australia
- Josh Fear, Director Policy and Projects, Mental Health Australia
- David Butt, CEO and Commissioner of the National Mental Health Commission
- Eddie Bartnik, NDIA Strategic Advisor, NDIA
- Nick Hartland, Group Manager, NDIS Department of Social Services
- David Meldrum Executive Director of the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, and
- a range of other key stakeholders including consumers and carers.
Video footage and slideshow presentations for many of the sessions can be accessed here.
Keynote opening presentation
- Presentation by David Butt, CEO and Commissioner of the National Mental Health Commission
Scheme Design
Getting the architecture of the scheme right for psychosocial disability
- Keynote presentation by Frank Quinlan, CEO of Mental Health Australia
National Disability Insurance Scheme progress with Mental Health
- Keynote presentation by Eddie Bartnik, Strategic Advisor, NDIA
Will the NDIS mean more access to services for people with a mental illness?
- Keynote presentation by David Meldrum, Executive Director, Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia
NDIS and mental health: a needs assessment by Mental Health Australia
- Presentation by Josh Fear, Director Policy and Projects, Mental Health Australia
The NDIS Legislation and Mental Health
- Keynote presentation by Nick Hartland, Group Manager NDIS, Department of Social Services
Raising consumer voices and the Barwon Experience
- Presentation by Nathan Grixti, consumer Advocate Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council and Indigo Daya, General Manager – Consumer and Carer Advocacy and Leadership, MI Fellowship
Emerging lessons from the launch sites
The impact of NDIS on the mental health service system in Victoria
- Presentation by Debra Parnell, Policy and Communication Manager VICSERV and Caz Healy, Strategic Project Manager, VICSERV
Journey to date from the Hunter Launch Site
- Presentation by Mark Cliff, Business Manager Richmond PRA
Early Experience of WA’s two model trials
- Presentation by Rod Asbury, Executive Director, WA Association for Mental Health
The changing landscape for service providers
Does NDIS Pricing buy recovery or disability support?
- Presentation by Arthur Papakotsias, CEO, Neami National
The role of service providers in maximising choice and control for participants
- Presentation by Philip Dunn, Director of Service Delivery and Development, Deputy CEO Pathways Rehabilitation and Support Services
Integrating the NDIS with other systems
Delivering effective mental health services for people with disabilities in the NDIS: we’re starting behind the eight ball
- Presentation by Brent Hayward, Senior Practice Advisor, Co-authored by Mandy Donley, Practice Leader, Office of Professional Practice, Department of Human Services Victoria
Psychosocial disability, the NDIS and clinical mainstream services: business as usual or case for change?
- Presentation by Wendy Kipling, Specialist Mental Health Officer, ACT NDIS Taskforce, Community Services Directorate, ACT Government
The Barwon Experience – a public mental health service perspective
- Presentation by Kevin Freele, Executive Director, Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol Services, Barwon Health
Housing and health as the foundation for living well: the transition from homelessness to stable housing and the role of the NDIS
- Presentation by Karyn Walsh, Coordinator of Micah Projects Ltd
Improving the mental health and wellbeing of people with an intellectual disability
- Presentation by Julian Trollor, Chair, Intellectual Disability and Mental Health and Head, Department of Development Disability Neuropsychiatry, UNSW
The Carer experience in Barwon from both a personal and professional perspective
- Presentation by Janette Korolew, Carer Peer Support worker, Mental Illness Fellowship, Barwon Region
Maximising Choice and Control
People making choices: the support needs and preferences of people with psychosocial disability
- Presentation by Dr Lisa Brophy, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Mental health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne and Director of Research, Mind Australia
Preparing people with mental illness and people with intellectual disability/cognitive disability for successful transition to the NDIS
- Presentations by Michelle Moss, Project Manager “Ready to Go” NDIS participant readiness project and Queenslanders with a Disability Network (QDN); and Tony Stevenson, CEO Mental Illness Fellowship Queensland
- Presentations by Ben Matthews, Board Chair ACT Mental Health Consumer Network and Petra Kallay, Community Education Coordinator, ACT Mental health Consumer Network