Mini Members Policy Forums in 2020

Mini Members Policy Forums in 2020

Since March, 2020 Mental Health Australia has hosted a series of Mini Members Policy Forums via Zoom Webinars to discuss a range of topics around mental health advocacy, policy development and literacy. These forums have been designed to replicate a traditional Mental Health Australia Members Policy Forum where members and stakeholders traditionally have the opportunity to meet face-to-face to discuss new initiatives, debate policy and consult on key issues affecting mental health reform in Australia. As always, we are looking forward to working with our members and stakeholders in person when we can, however our Mini Members Policy Forums will continue while government restrictions around travel and face-to-face meetings remain due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To find out more about our regular Mini Members Policy Forums please email

The following presentations have been delivered this year:

Friday 27 March at 12pm AEDT
Guest Speaker: Gerry Naughtin, National Disability Insurance Agency
Topic: National Disability Insurance Scheme announcements following COVID-19 pandemic

Friday 24 April at 12pm AEST
Guest Speaker: Professor Alan Rosen, University of Sydney
Topic: Call for nationally consistent Mental Health Response to Covid-19 pandemic

Wednesday 29 April at 12pm AEST
Guest Speaker: Christine Morgan - CEO, National Mental Health Commission & National Suicide Prevention Adviser to the Prime Minister
Topic: Preparation for the National Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan

Friday 19 June at 1pm AEST
Guest Speaker: Mohammad Al-Khafaji, Chief Executive Officer Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia
Topic: Mental health and racism*

*Please note there was no presentation with this Webinar.

Thursday 9 July 11.30am AEST
Guest Speaker: Gerry Naughtin, National Disability Insurance Agency
Topic: The development of a Psychosocial Disability Recovery Framework and the introduction of a Psychosocial Recovery Coach support item

Thursday 16 July at 1pm AEST
Guest Speaker: Chris Bedford, Assistant Secretary, Mental Health Division, Department of Health
Topic: Adult Mental Health Centres

Tuesday 28 July at 12pm AEST
Guest Speaker: Dr Rob Gordon, Clinical Psychologist
Topic: Bushfire recovery and trauma in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

Friday 21 August at 11:30am AEST
Guest Speaker: Dr Ruth Vine, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Mental Health 
Topic: Providing clinical and policy advice to the Minister for Health on critical MH issues related to COVID-19 

Wednesday 18 November at 11:00am AEDT
Guest Speakers: Dr Stephen King and Julie Abramson
Topic: The Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health - Final Report

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