In March 2021, Mental Health Australia, Community Mental Health Australia and the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia provided a joint submission to the...
Mental Health Australia submitted a paper to the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Inquiry that has now been published in the Inquiry’s website. In that...
Mental Health Australia provided a response to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs public consultation regarding the Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission...
Mental Health Australia congratulated the Department of Health on the development of the Draft National Preventive Health Strategy 2021-2030, and particularly...
Mental Health Australia - Submission to National Disability Strategy - Consultation Stage 2-5 November 2020 Summary of recommendations This submission includes...
This document is Mental Health Australia’s response to the Australian Government’s Department of Health survey seeking views on the final recommendations in...
Submission – To the Draft National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy In August 2019, The Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP announced that...
Immediate investment needed in mental health The 2021-22 Budget is the time for significant investment in mental health reform. The Australian Government has...
Last week Mental Health Australia and Suicide Prevention Australia provided a second joint submission regarding the establishment of a National Commissioner...
This week Mental Health Australia and Suicide Prevention Australia provided a joint submission to the Attorney General’s consultation regarding the legislation...