Response to the Productivity Commission National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Position Paper

Mental Health Australia has lodged a comprehensive response to the Productivity Commission’s Position Paper on its NDIS Costs study.

We have strongly emphasised to the Commission that its Final Report must contain recommendations for NDIS processes to be tailored specifically for people with psychosocial disability.  The current ‘one size fits all’ approach, and the lack of internal expertise in the NDIA, is not meeting the needs of people with psychosocial disability.  We’ve made recommendations for changes to the key design features of the NDIS that we believe the Commission must pursue.

We have made the case for systemic and individual advocacy in governance arrangements to include mental health consumers, carers, private sector service providers, community managed organisations’ representatives and experts in mental health disability, if the NDIS is to be refined to deliver improved outcomes for people living with psychosocial disability, their carers and families and the community.

We’ve drawn attention to the opaque accountability of governments to meet the needs of the community, including the continuity of support arrangements during Transition, and have recommended several activities to turn this around.

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