Submission to inquiry into transitional arrangements for the National Disability Insurance Scheme

In August 2017, Mental Health Australia provided an update to the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) transitional arrangements for the NDIS. The submission points out that the transition process has been hastily planned and poorly communicated. It has already created significant gaps in psychosocial services for people with psychosocial disability who are ineligible for the NDIS and less than desirable experiences and outcomes for NDIS participants.

However the submission also recognises that the mental health sector is united in its desire to see the NDIS succeed and take its place as a key contributor to better outcomes for mental health consumers and carers. It therefore makes nine recommendations all of which are designed to improve the transition period. The recommendations offer practical steps forward in relation to:
• co-designing, with mental health consumers and carers, improvements to the NDIS pathway for both access and planning
• monitoring and reporting on the NDIA’s performance
• providing funding for specialist assertive outreach and psychosocial services for those who are ineligible for NDIS.

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