25 June 2014
This is the third submission from the Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) to the National Mental Health Commission ( NMHC ) to inform the NMHC ’s current review of mental health programmes. It articulates the MHCA ’s priorities for the mental health system going forward. The contents are informed by detailed consultations with consumers and carers and other mental health stakeholders and proposes priorities and actions to drive long term policy and systemic reforms
23 June 2014
This document contains the minutes of the teleconference of the Mental Health Council of Australia’s NDIS Capacity Building Project – Project Advisory Group meeting. The Project Advisory Group is meeting on an on-going basis to provide expert advice to the MHCXA about the needs of the mental health sector in relation to the NDIS .
Speeches / Transcripts
18 February 2014
CEO Frank Quinlan’s opening statement to the Senate Inquiry into the Commission of Audit’s public hearing on 18 February 2014.
28 January 2014
This submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission ( ALRC ) describes how people with experience of mental illness often do not have access to insurance on reasonable terms. The MHCA argues that the exemptions that providers of insurance currently enjoy under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 be reviewed and amended, and that an independent actuarial study be conducted on the data insurers use to assess the risks associated with mental illness. The submission also calls for a number of improvements to industry practice, including to insurance products, guidelines, forms and processes, and staff training.
29 November 2013
This submission by the MHCA recommends that the Commission of Audit defer any specific action in relation to mental health (beyond possibly lending its support to the need for substantial review) to the more detailed process that will be conducted by the National Mental Health Commission.
8 April 2013
In the lead up to the Federal Budget and a Federal Election in 2013, and following COAG ’s recent decision to establish indicators to monitor the progress of...
30 December 2012
This document is a summary of the ground-breaking Not For Service report which can be found here .
Fact Sheets
1 April 2012
Good mental health helps us to respond better to the stresses and challenges of daily life. This fact sheet looks at some of the ways to more fully enjoy and appreciate the people and environment around us.
Fact Sheets
1 April 2012
A landmark report released by the MHCA found strong associations between mental illness and cannabis, although this is not the same as a causal link. This fact sheet highlights some of the evidence.