Newsletters / Bulletins
31 January 2020
Late last week we submitted our final submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health. What a journey this Inquiry has been for the sector!
Newsletters / Bulletins
24 January 2020
Last Friday, I attended a roundtable with the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development to support national planning for the recovery of fire affected communities through the National Bushfire Recovery Agency.
Newsletters / Bulletins
19 December 2019
The Mental Health Australia office will be closed from the afternoon of Friday 20 December, reopening on Monday 6 January.
Newsletters / Bulletins
12 December 2019
As we race towards the end of the year, the team at Mental Health Australia celebrated the festive season early last week with our annual staff party, and what a year to celebrate. It was a lovely, sunny afternoon – and a chance to thank the staff for their efforts and achievements over this past 12 months.
Newsletters / Bulletins
6 December 2019
Summer for me is usually associated with too much food, lots of afternoon naps, and more time with my kids as they finish up school. However, if the first six days are anything to go by, summer will be a devastating struggle for much of our nation…
Newsletters / Bulletins
31 October 2019
Today’s Draft Report from the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health mentions the word ‘more’ over 1500 times, because clearly there is a lot more to do. The word ‘less’ is mentioned half that amount, and even less, if you consider the words ‘regardless’, ‘less-likely’ and ‘homelessness’ in context. In short, we can’t find anywhere in the 1261 pages where the Draft Report suggests ‘to do less’ to improve our mental system.
Newsletters / Bulletins
9 November 2018
In a week where an 8-year-old Canberra school girl successfully persuaded Kelloggs to start using 'awesome girls' in their advertising, an ABC journalist had to publicly air allegations of sexual harassment to be taken seriously. Both these stories have reminded me of the daily struggle for gender equality and respect in this country; a struggle which directly impacts the mental health of many...
Newsletters / Bulletins
9 November 2018
Today marks the culmination of some very important work we’ve been undertaking, alongside some of our member organisations, for almost a year. We are very pleased to release the final report of the Optimising Psychosocial Support Project...
Newsletters / Bulletins
21 September 2018
Another week in federal politics and unfortunately another leadership spill, the sixth I’ve experienced since starting as CEO at Mental Health Australia in 2011. What does it all mean for mental health in Australia?..
Newsletters / Bulletins
21 September 2018
Another week in federal politics and unfortunately another leadership spill, the sixth I’ve experienced since starting as CEO at Mental Health Australia in 2011. What does it all mean for mental health in Australia?..