

Perspectives Newsletter - August 2014. When Kiss front man Gene Simmons said depressed people and those contemplating suicide should go ahead and kill themselves he sparked a social media storm and was rightly, and universally condemned. Mental Health Australia’s CEO looks at the issues surrounding celebrities and how their statements can influence stigma.


Perspectives Newsletter - August 2014. Since the establishment of the MLC Community Foundation, millions has been gifted to both enhance and establish mental health programs and services. In this article, their Manager, Luke Branagan, outlines a few of their latest contributions to the mental health sector.


Perspectives Newsletter - August 2014. Welfare is currently the subject of heated debate. Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on who should receive welfare, when, how much and why. In this article, Mental Health Australia’s CEO discusses the key issues surrounding welfare reform in Australia.

Newsletters / Bulletins

Welcome to the August/September edition of Perspectives, an online magazine where we present ideas, essays, and articles about what is happening in the mental health space.

Newsletters / Bulletins

This week has been a big one. Read about our new business name, Frank’s presentation to the Future of Medicare Conference, the ABC ’s Mental As campaign, the NDIS one year on and our conferences funding program.

Newsletters / Bulletins

This week is missing person’s week with a focus on dementia. Also in this week we discuss the Disability Employment Australia Conference, the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, our Submission to the McClure Review of the welfare system, the recent National Mental Health Leaders Workshop and the conference funding program.

Newsletters / Bulletins

In this week’s update you can read about progress with the NDIS Capacity Building Project and the recent National Employment Services Conference. The National Welfare Rights Network is calling for people who may be affected by proposed changes to the DSP to share their stories and the MHCA is calling for contributions to the next edition of our bi-monthly magazine, Perspectives.

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This week read about our Board Meeting, a bid for DSS funding, the COTA forum, NATSILMH , the SPA National Conference and our income support survey.

Newsletters / Bulletins

This week’s update discusses our proposals for DSS funding, a presentation to the Associations Forum National Conference, a meeting of the Consumer Reference Group on the establishment of a new consumer peak organisation and the welfare review.

Newsletters / Bulletins

In this week’s update read about the future of Primary Health Organisations - the replacement for Medicare Locals and our meeting with ACOSS and other organisations to discuss the welfare review. Also, the MHCA is calling for consumers and carers to tell their stories about their experiences with the welfare system via a short survey.


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