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    Mental Health Australia has produced a two-page document setting out the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in co-design – government agencies...

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    During 2014 and 2015 Mental Health Australia assisted the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority ( IHPA ) to engage the mental health sector in the development...

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    Mental Health Australia engaged Rooftop Social to examine a range of ways in which commissioning and contracting arrangements might be improved to achieve a more effective and efficient Australian mental health system. The study involved a review of published and unpublished literature in Australia and elsewhere, guided by consultation with relevant practitioners and specialists.

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    This document outlines some of the key issues for the mental health sector, including consumers and carers in the Interim Report of the Reference Group on Welfare Reform to the Minister for Social Services (The McClure Report) including: changes to eligibility for the Disability Support Pension, a proposal to reduce the number of payments, a measure to address the gap between the full rate of pensions and allowances, proposed changes to the Care Payment and Carer Allowance, a summary of the report’s sections on mental health and employment, proposals around early intervention and ‘high risk groups’ and a summary of what the report had to say about the role of the NDIS in increasing economic and social participation by people with disabilities and carers.

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    In the lead up to the Federal Budget and a Federal Election in 2013, and following COAG ’s late 2012 decision to establish indicators to monitor the progress of national mental health reform, the Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) conducted consultation workshops with members and stakeholders in all states and territories during April to ascertain short and long-term priorities for the sector. Workshops were held in Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth and Alice Springs. The aim of these workshops was to identify areas where the MHCA and its members can capitalise on their unique position as advocates to progress mental health reform and improve the lives of people affected by mental illness in Australia. The workshops have provided a strong set of priority areas for the MHCA and each state and territory peak mental health organisation to consider when planning future advocacy efforts. The MHCA would like to thank all those who attended and provided invaluable input into the development of policy agendas at both the national and state/territory levels. Many thanks are also extended to state and territory peak organisations who co-hosted these consultations workshops, and for enabling access to a broad range of stakeholders, consumers and carers who attended each workshop. Download a copy of the Consultation Summary Report below.

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    Four key themes for a new style of mental health reform are highlighted in this report. These are: promoting early intervention for all severe disorders among young people; providing effective pharmacological and psychological treatments in primary care; maximising returns to full social and economic participation; and investing in innovation, research and sustainability.

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    This is the second report prepared by the MHCA analysing aspects of the Better Access Program. The program enables public access to services provided by psychiatrists, psychologists, other allied health professionals and general practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

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    This report presents an analysis of the first six months of the new program Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

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    The Ten Year Roadmap Workshop brought together Government, service providers, consumers and carers from around Australia, to discuss the establishment and priority focus for development of a Roadmap, to build on the 4th Mental Health Plan and to direct policy, planning and implementation in the 2011-12 Federal Budget mental health package. Change process, holistic focus, workforce development, employment, and stigma reduction were the five key themes highlighted at the ten-year roadmap workshop to be considered in the mental health reform process over there next decade.

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    The Coordinated Care and Service Integration Workshop brought together service providers from around Australia, to discuss implementation challenges and opportunities related to the coordinated care and flexible funding initiative announced in the 2011-12 Budget.


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