The NDIS Review recommended National Cabinet fund an expanded set of foundational disability supports outside the NDIS . National Cabinet agreed to jointly...
Mental Health Australia provided a submission on behalf of our members to the Australian National Audit Office’s audit of the Department of Health and Aged...
National Housing and Homelessness Plan Housing is a critical foundation for mental health. Mental Health Australia welcomes the Australian Government’s...
In April 2023, Mental Health Australia made a submission to the Early Years Strategy Consultation , that has now been published on the consultation website...
On Thursday 18 May 2023, Mental Health Australia made a submission to the NDIS Review, following consultation with members through a Members Policy Hub process...
This brief submission supports the call for inclusion of questions on sex, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation in the 2026 Census...
Mental Health Australia has submitted a statement to the Joint Select Committee, in support of the proposed alteration to the Australian Constitution to...
Submission to Treasury Consultation on Measuring what Matters Mental Health Australia commends the Australian Government for committing to ‘measuring what...
The mental health sector is calling for clear commitment from the Australian Government in the 2023-24 Budget to working with us to address fundamental gaps in...