Helping someone with mental health problems and financial difficulties
Mental health problems and financial difficulties often go hand-in-hand. However, mental health professionals are not necessarily trained in how to assist their clients with financial difficulties. These guidelines for mental health professionals, ‘Helping someone with mental health problems and financial difficulties’, outline what mental health professionals need to know and do to support clients with financial difficulties.
These guidelines are based on the expert opinions of panels of Australian financial counsellors, financial institution staff, mental health consumers and carers. Details of the methodology can be found in:
Bond, KS, Chalmers, KJ, Jorm, AF, Kitchener, BA, and Reavley, NJ. Helping someone with mental health problems and financial difficulties: a Delphi study to develop guidelines for financial counsellors, financial institution staff, mental health professionals and carers. BMC Health Services Research. 2015;15(218).
Both the guidelines and the journal article are available from the MHFA Australia website.
Mental Health First Aid Australia has also developed Guidelines for:
The support person (supporting someone with mental health problems and financial difficulties)
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