Federal Budget

Funding for mental health falls short in Federal Budget.


  • 2024 Federal Budget Overview

    Mental Health Australia’s member overview of the 2024-2025 Budget.

  • 2023 Federal Budget Summary

    Mental Health Australia’s member summary of the May 2023 Budget.

  • 2022-23 October Federal Budget Analysis

    Mental Health Australia’s analysis of the October ‘Wellbeing’ budget - the Australian Government’s first Budget post-election.

  • 2022-23 Federal Budget Analysis

    This analysis is provided to Mental Health Australia members to assist in clarifying the meaning of mental health related investments made through the Australian Government’s 2022-23 Budget.

  • 2022 Federal Budget Summary

    Despite the missed opportunities, Mental Health Australia welcomes the 2022 Budget

  • 2021 Federal Budget Summary

    The Australian Government has provided a welcome $2.3 billion down payment on its response to the recommendations made by the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry in Mental Health and the Advice to the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Report.

  • 2020 Federal Budget Summary

    As has been widely reported, tonight’s 2020 Federal Budget is extremely important, occurring at a time of international and national financial instability, driven by the global coronavirus pandemic.

  • 2019 Federal Budget Summary

    Mental Health Australia welcomes initiatives announced in the 2019 Federal Budget, handed down on 2 April 2018. This Budget will see $736.6 million for mental health and suicide prevention in two key areas across 25 specific initiatives over the next seven years.

  • 2017 Federal Budget Summary: Federal Budget invites states to close critical gaps in mental health

    The 2017-18 Federal Budget has been welcomed by Mental Health Australia, as it starts to address one of mental health’s most critical issues – gaps in psychosocial support services.

  • 2018-19 Federal Budget Summary

    Mental Health Australia welcomed measures announced in the 2018-19 Budget, handed down on 8 May 2018. This Budget will see new investments of $338 million for the mental health sector concentrated in the areas of suicide prevention, older Australians and mental health research.

  • 2016 Federal Budget Summary: Mental health needs a national plan to guide reforms

    Tonight’s Budget includes a number of welcome new initiatives for mental health, but leaves ongoing uncertainty about how current reforms will be coordinated and integrated.

  • 2015 Federal Budget Summary

    The Australian Government (the Government) has announced that it will work in collaboration with the states and territories to develop a new national mental health plan.

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