Full Members
Full Members
ALIVE - The ALIVE National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation
The ALIVE National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation marks a new era in mental health research across Australia. Funded by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Special Initiative in Mental Health (SIMH GNT2002047) (2021-2026) ($10M), the National Centre’s mission is to transform mental health and wellbeing through primary care and community action with a vision of vibrant communities that support mental health and wellbeing enabling people to thrive. The Centre values are lived-expertise, wisdom in practice, authenticity, outcomes driven from evidence, inclusivity, and bravery. These values are reflected in the co-directorship model that brings together expertise in lived-experience, experience co-design and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research for mental health research translation.
Arafmi is a not for profit community organisation that has been providing quality supports to carers of people with mental illness for over 40 years. We support our carers with services including carer support groups, carer education workshops and a 24 hour support phone line. We also support their loved ones with NDIS services including respite accommodation, support workers and support coordination. The message from Arafmi to carers is: you are not alone.
Australian Association for Developmental Disability Medicine
Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine (AADDM) is an organisation of medical practitioners who specialise or have an interest in improving the health and function of the over 500,000 Australian children, adolescents and adults with ID. AADDM aims to improve the health of children, adolescents and adults with intellectual and developmental disability through professional development and advocacy. AADDM has been and continues to be a major contributor to government policy with a remarkable history of successful advocacy leading to widespread changes in healthcare delivery throughout Australia.
Australian Association of Social Workers
Australian Association of Social Workers Social workers act collectively and individually to contribute to society in a way that is dedicated to achieving social justice, inclusion and wellbeing. The Australian Association of Social Workers is the professional representative body of social workers in Australia, with more than 13,000 members. It was formed as a national association in 1946 and has since supported its members through the profession’s many developments and changes.
Australian BPD Foundation Ltd
Australian BPD Foundation is a group of volunteer consumers, carers and clinicians who passionate in encouraging a positive culture around Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and promoting the ready availability and accessibility of appropriate services for everyone impacted by BPD.
Australian Clinical Psychology Association
Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA) is a national organisation representing clinical psychologists. Clinical psychology is a vital part of mental health service provision to the public. ACPA recognises the requirement for clinical psychology in Australia to meet the highest contemporary, internationally recognised standards and actively works to achieve this for the benefit of the public and our members. ACPA provides and promotes ongoing training and learning of best practices within clinical psychology and other mental health professions to enhance services provided to the public. ACPA supports recognition of clinical psychology as a clearly identifiable area of expertise in mental health and works to gain specialist recognition for clinical psychologists with internationally aligned accredited post-graduate qualifications, in order for this expertise to be identified. ACPA advocates to government, professional and academic organisations, other health professions, and the public about standards of mental health practice. ACPA also aims to promote to these bodies the benefits provided by the expertise of qualified clinical psychologists.
Australian College of Mental Health Nurses
Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) is the peak professional mental health nursing organisation and the recognised credentialing body for mental health nurses in Australia. It seeks to represent the profession at all levels of government and across all health service sectors. In addition, the ACMHN sets standards for practice, supports mental health nursing research and provides a forum for collegial support, networking and ongoing professional development for its members. Importantly, the ACMHN also works to promote public confidence in and professional recognition of mental health nursing.
Australasian Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (ACPP)
The Australasian Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (ACPP) represents professional associations of credentialled practitioners of psychoanalytic therapies. It promotes standards of training and ethical practice in psychoanalytic psychotherapies, oversees credentialing of qualified practitioners, and promotes availability of psychoanalytic psychotherapies. The Confederation seeks to advise Governments, agencies and consumers of the areas of mental illness where psychoanalytic approaches are shown to be effective, and to ensure they are available to all who may benefit from them.
Australian Counselling Association Inc
The Australian Counselling Association (ACA) is Australia’s largest peak body for counsellors and psychotherapists with over 16,000 individual members. ACA’s mission is to advocate for, support, and uphold the highest standards for counsellors and psychotherapists in Australia fostering a culture ofThe Australian Counselling Association (ACA) is Australia’s largest peak body for counsellors and psychotherapists with over 16,000 individual members. ACA’s mission is to advocate for, support, and uphold the highest standards for counsellors and psychotherapists in Australia fostering a culture of quality care, accountability, and continuous education. ACA Members are professionals who have demonstrated an approved level of training and are equipped with the necessary competencies and skills to deliver safe and high-quality counselling services that meet the needs of their clients. Practicing ACA Members are listed on ACA’s National Directory, accessible to members of the public looking for a counsellor or psychotherapist. Beyond regulatory functions, ACA actively leads advocacy initiatives towards better recognition for the profession, growth of employment opportunities and engages in research to enhance and promote counselling practices. quality care, accountability, and continuous education. ACA Members are professionals who have demonstrated an approved level of training and are equipped with the necessary competencies and skills to deliver safe and high-quality counselling services that meet the needs of their clients. Practicing ACA Members are listed on ACA’s National Directory, accessible to members of the public looking for a counsellor or psychotherapist. Beyond regulatory functions, ACA actively leads advocacy initiatives towards better recognition for the profession, growth of employment opportunities and engages in research to enhance and promote counselling practices.
Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation
Australian Kookaburra Kids supports young people experiencing family mental illness through evidence based, age appropriate prevention and early intervention mental health services embedded within a peer-based social and activity-based format. Our support aims to empower these young people to build resilience, lifelong knowledge, skills and abilities so they can reach their potential.
The Australian Music Therapy Association
The Australian Music Therapy Association (AMTA) is the national body representing music therapy and Registered Music Therapists (RMTs). Music therapy is an evidence-based allied health profession that improves the lives of Australians each day – at home and in aged care, disability, mental health, health and palliative care services. AMTA works to ensure people and communities have equitable access to safe and effective music therapy services across Australia.
AMTA strongly advocates for a mental health system that provides person-centred and flexible access to a range of evidence-based interventions, designed with and for people with lived experience. We advocate to improve the mental health sector and accessibility of music therapy for all Australians.
Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association
ANZACATA is the peak association and self-regulatory authority for all registered creative arts therapists in Australia, New Zealand and Asia. The bulk of our members have a specific Master’s degree in arts therapy, which encompasses both training in counselling and psychotherapeutic theoretical perspectives and also in the application of various arts modalities to the development of fine motor co-ordination and in mental health and well-being. The role of ANZACATA is to register graduates from approved courses, to ensure they can practise safely and efficaciously, using the best evidenced based practice. We require members to remain current in the profession and we audit to ensure this is the case. Our members work in private and public mental health facilities, hospitals, community settings, schools, aged care, GP clinics, with clients with disability (often including children on the NDIS). ANZACATA is a member of Allied Health Professions Australia and a qualifying member of the National Alliance of Self Regulating Health Professions.
Australian Psychological Society
Australian Psychological Society (APS) is the peak body for psychologists in Australia, representing more than 25,000 members. We advocate for the profession of psychology, support high standards, promote community wellbeing, and are dedicated to providing benefits to support members. We aim to amplify the role of psychological science and psychologists in helping people achieve positive change so they can confidently contribute their best to the community. The APS has nearly 200 active member groups. There are 42 APS branches spread across Australia, nine colleges representing special areas in psychology, and 48 interest groups in a wide range of special areas.
Australian Rotary Health
Australian Rotary Health is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia. In addition to mental health research, we also provide funding into a broad range of general health areas, provide scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students. Australian Rotary Health has a broad vision to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians. Since the year 2000, Australian Rotary Health has focused its funding on mental health research. In 2012 this focus narrowed to the Mental Health of Young Australians, and in 2013 research projects focussing on the Prevention of Mental Health Disorders were included. Our mission is to create better health for all Australians through improved education and advancements in knowledge through medical research. We support excellence in research in an effort to provide both preventative and curative solutions for a broad range of health conditions.
Australian Society for Psychological Medicine (ASPM)
The Australian Society for Psychological Medicine (ASPM) educates, connects, and advocates for Australian GPs who do the complex work of caring for the whole person. Our members integrate a strength-based, trauma-informed, and culturally respectful awareness of environment, relationships, body, inner experience, sense of self, spirit and meaning as part of mental health care. As generalists, we value collegiate connection and training by GPs for GPs, offering peer case consultation groups, small group learning and high quality accredited training.
Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC)
Established in 1976, the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC) is the peak professional body representing Rehabilitation Counsellors throughout Australia. Rehabilitation Counsellors are tertiary qualified Allied Health Professionals who provide tailored strategies within a biopsychosocial context to help clients sustain employment or progress towards returning to work. As specialised counsellors, Rehabilitation Counsellors have a deep understanding of the impact of disability, health conditions and disadvantage on people’s lives, and the importance that work and education play in achieving a sense of independence, optimism, self-esteem and inclusion.
ASORC represents the profession of Rehabilitation Counselling in advocacy, policy and standards work, and provides high quality resources, education and supervision neccessary for members to achieve career advancement, peer engagement and professional development.
batyr Australia Limited
batyr is a for purpose organisation that focuses on preventative education in the area of youth mental health. batyr provides programs that train young people to speak about their personal experience with mental ill health and start a conversation in their community. batyr takes these speakers into schools, universities and corporate arenas to continue this conversation around mental health. The programs engage, educate and empower the audience to learn from the experiences of others and to reach out to the great services around them.
Being - Mental Health & Wellbeing
Being is the independent, state-wide peak organisation for people with a lived experience of mental illness (consumers) in NSW. They work with consumers to achieve and support systemic change. BEING acts as a bridge between mental health consumers and the government. An essential part of their role is to encourage mental health consumers to provide input into decision making at all levels concerning the way mental health services are provided. They gather information and lobby the decision makers about issues relevant to the mental health system. They seek to influence legislation and policy introduced by the government where it affects the lives of mental health consumers. BEING also keeps people informed of what is happening in the state through their Network.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is a national, independent and bipartisan not-for-profit organisation. Our vision is for all people in Australia to achieve their best possible mental health. We work to create change to protect everyone’s mental health and improve the lives of individuals, families and communities affected by depression, anxiety and suicide.
Bipolar Australia
Bipolar Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation representing everyone affected by bipolar disorder, including the 598,000 people with the condition, as well as their families, friends, and supporters. We work with local communities across Australia to raise awareness about bipolar disorder, deliver broad-based education programs regarding the condition, promote a positive understanding of bipolar among health care professionals and service providers, and encourage the formation of bipolar support groups. Bipolar Australia believes that bipolar disorder is recognisable, treatable and manageable. Further, we believe that recovery is possible for every Australian affected by bipolar, when they are empowered to help themselves and others through person-to-person centred communication. Our long-term vision is to foster recovery for every Australian with bipolar, regardless of their cultural heritage, educational attainment or socio-economic status.
Black Dog Institute
Black Dog Institute is the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan. Our aim is to create a mentally healthier world for everyone. We do this through ‘translational’ research. Integrating our research studies, education programs, digital tools and apps, clinical services, and public resources to discover new solutions, foster connections and create real-world change.
Blue Knot Foundation
Blue Knot Foundation is Australia’s National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, empowering recovery and building resilience for the more than five million adult Australians (1 in 4) with a lived experience of complex trauma, including childhood trauma and abuse, their families and communities. Complex trauma is repeated often extreme interpersonal trauma experienced as a child, an adult or both. Blue Knot has played a leadership role nationally in driving trauma-informed change and informed responsiveness to complex trauma. It provides trauma specialist phone counselling, information and referral to adult survivors of childhood trauma and redress support to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse (1300 657 380 Mon-Sun AEST). It also runs the National Counselling and Referral Service supporting the Disability Royal Commission, and for people with disability with experiences of abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation (1800 421 468 Mon-Sun 9-6; Sat, Sun 9-5 AEST). Blue Knot has developed a number of seminal publications around trauma-informed practice, talking about trauma and working clinically with complex trauma clients available at https://www.blueknot.org.au/resources/publications for free download or purchase in hard copy. It also has an extensive range of downloadable fact sheets and videos as well as comprehensive resources on its website www.blueknot.org.au . It also delivers an extensive professional development training program, supervision and consultancy services informed by research evidence and best practice. Training is delivered face-to-face, via webinar and e-learning in all states and territories, publicly and in-house across multiple sectors. All services are attuned to the needs of clients, organisations and services. https://www.blueknot.org.au/Training-Services
Brain and Mind Centre
Brain and Mind Centre is a group of multidisciplinary research teams at the forefront of brain and mind sciences. They collaborate across industries and disciplines to find answers to some of the world’s greatest health challenges, including: Childhood development and behaviour, such as autism and behavioural disorders. Youth mental health and addiction, including youth, addiction, gambling and mental health policy. Ageing and neurodegeneration, such as dementia, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
The Brain and Mind Centre represents a virtual network of academics across University of Sydney, Westmead Hospital, Nepean Hospital, Royal North Shore Hospital, Kolling Institute, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney Adventist Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the Sydney Local Health District.
Butterfly Foundation
Butterfly Foundation is the national charity for all Australians impacted by eating disorders and body image issues, and for the families, friends and communities who support them. Butterfly changes lives by providing innovative, evidence-based support services, treatment and resources, delivering prevention and early intervention programs and advocating for the needs of our community. We highlight the realities for those seeking treatment for recovery, and advocates for improved access to effective, affordable care. Throughout its work Butterfly also emphasises the critical importance of prevention and early intervention strategies in limiting the development of, and suffering from, negative body image and eating disorders. Butterfly operates a National Helpline that includes support over the phone, via email and online, reaching 20,000 people each year. The Helpline is staffed by trained counsellors experienced in assisting with eating disorders and body image issues. We also provide a wide range of programs for service providers and recovery groups. Because Butterfly recognises that eating disorders often arise from poor body image, we deliver a range of prevention programs including Positive Body Image workshops to schools and workplaces.
Carers Australia
Carers Australia is the national peak body representing Australia’s unpaid carers, advocating on their behalf to influence policies and services at a national level. It works collaboratively with partners and its member organisations, the Network of state and territory Carers Associations.
Catholic Social Services Australia
Catholic Social Services Australia is the Catholic Church’s peak national social services body. With more than 60 members across Australia, , Catholic Social Services Australia works with its members to produce evidence/research which informs public opinion and assists lawmakers to develop just and compassionate social and economic policies that will improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable in Australia. In doing so, Catholic Social Services Australia fosters connectedness and partners with Catholic social service providers. Our members provide a range of counselling support services relating to children and families, grief and loss, relationships, restorative justice, adolescent mental health and drug and alcohol.
Centre for Mental Health Research (ANU)
The Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR) is to be recognised as a leader in excellent, innovative, population-based mental health research that is relevant to policy and practice. Goals - Excellence in research - Dissemination of high-quality research through translation into policy and practice - Training future leaders through research supervision and teaching - A focus on research that is designed to be highly relevant to the mental health sector and to the broader population - Incorporating the crucial lived experience perspective that consumers and carers bring, contributing to research directions, informing research design and in conducting research - Collaboration with the mental health sector to reach common goals, including collaboration with academics from across disciplines, policymakers, service providers, consumers and carers - Building capacity and sustainability in population mental health research
Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA)
Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) is the coalition of peak community mental health organisations from states and territories. CMHA advocates to improve all mental health and psychosocial support services, promoting the central role of people with lived experience and the contribution that community managed mental health organisations bring to ensuring economic and social inclusion, and mental health and wellbeing, with a strong and persistent focus on those who are most disadvantaged.
Consumers of Mental Health WA (CoMHWA)
CoMHWA is Western Australia’s peak body by, and for, people with a lived experience of mental health distress. Our core purpose is to strengthen and advance the voice, leadership and expertise of people with a lived experience of mental health issues and/or distress. We educate and raise awareness on consumer rights, promote peer support and the peer workforce, lead change with consumers and promote and support recovery and wellbeing with and for consumers.
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia represents the 459,000 Australians living with dementia and the almost 1.6 million Australians involved in their care. We advocate for the needs of people living with all types of dementia, and for their families and carers, and provide support services, education and information. Dementia Australia is a member of Alzheimer’s Disease International, the umbrella organisation of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Associations around the world.
Dietitians Australia
Dietitians Australia is the peak body for dietetic and nutrition professionals, representing over 8,500 members in Australia and overseas. We are the leading voice in nutrition and dietetics, and we champion the professional nutrition and dietetic workforce to empower people and communities. Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) practice across diverse settings and provide a range of services, including clinical nutrition. APDs play a fundamental role in the prevention, treatment and management of many mental illnesses and their associated physical illnesses. We recommend looking for the APD credential when choosing a dietitian. APDs are Australia’s leaders in nutrition, equipped with the skills to provide personalised and evidence-based nutrition advice and support.
Eating Disorders Families Australia
Eating Disorders Families Australia (EDFA) is the only national organisation providing support, education, advocacy, and counselling solely for carers and families impacted by an eating disorder. EDFA works to create stigma-free communities where eating disorder carers are recognised for their vital role and receive the assistance they need. Through its nationwide, online support groups, education webinars, and free counselling service, we achieve better outcomes for those with eating disorders by supporting and upskilling their carers and helping them to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system. EDFA also plays an increasingly important prevention and early intervention role by educating families and carers about disordered eating and the early signs of eating disorders. EDFA believes in the power of lived experience and sharing its knowledge with others to provide reassurance, social connection, and most importantly, hope.
Emerging Minds
Emerging Minds is dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. The organisation leads the National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health, delivered in partnership with the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), the Australian National University (ANU), the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Emerging Minds develops mental health policy, services, interventions, training, programs and resources in response to the needs of professionals, children and their families. We partner with family members, national and international organisations to implement evidence-based practice into the Australian context.
Everymind is a leading institute dedicated to the prevention of mental ill health and suicide, with a vision of empowering people and organisations to implement change for themselves, for each other and for the future. The Institute has a long-standing reputation for designing, implementing and evaluating tailored policy advice, research, and programs. Everymind’s highly reputable programs are scaled to meet people where they live, work, learn and connect. We work with the media, workplaces and families and caregivers, to bridge the knowledge to practice gap in the prevention of mental ill health and suicide so that fewer people are impacted in the future.
Flourish Australia
Flourish Australia supports people with a lived experience of a mental health issue to live, learn and work in the community. We strive to support people to find and create a home, find a job they love, make friends and have a sense of belonging in their local community, and to learn new things. We are also the Lead Agency for four headspace centres, provide support for families and carers, and assist employers to create workplaces that are supportive of people with lived experience. We are truly person-led, assisting each person to pursue their individual recovery journey on their terms.
Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia
Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia is the national peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing, mental health, and suicide prevention. Our vision is the highest attainable standard of social and emotional wellbeing, mental health, and suicide prevention outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Gidget Foundation Australia
Gidget Foundation Australia is a not for profit organisation that provides programs nationally to support the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents. Nearly 1 in 5 mothers and 1 in 10 fathers will experience perinatal depression and anxiety that is often hidden and not fully understood. It impacts around 100,000 Australians each year, and suicide is the leading cause of maternal death. Nearly 50% of all parents experience adjustment disorders.
Grief Australia is the nation’s leading voice on grief and a global pioneer in evidence-informed grief-counselling, consultancy, research and education. Established in 1996, Grief Australia is an independent, member-based, not for profit organisation primarily funded by government. We provide specialist grief therapy, training, research and consultancy services to enhance the nations capacity to respond effectively to grief. Guided by our core values of empathy, courage, curiosity and compassion, we strive to create a more compassionate and grief-informed Australia. Our vision is for an Australia where grieving individuals are understood, respected and supported. Our mission is to advocate for and support grieving Australians through evidence-informed practices, educated, and leadership. A population-based, evidence-driven approach lies at the heart of our work, enabling us to respond to the diverse needs of individuals and communities navigating grief.
Griefline is Australia’s only national not-for profit that offers free grief support and resources to anyone in need. Our mission is to normalise grief by sparking courageous conversations and empowering communities to grow from loss. We believe that grief is not a problem to be solved. but a natural and universal human experience that deserves compassion and understanding. It is our vision to lead the national mental health industry in finding collaborative ways to prevent the escalation of mental ill-health caused by grief and loss.
GROW is Australia’s foremost intentional peer to peer support organisation in mental health support and mutual help. GROW was founded by people with lived experience as a consumer driven organisation and remains that way today. Each week Grow groups meet across Australia to provide mutual help and build community. Since the advent of COVID-19 Grow groups have continued to meet by videoconference. Grow also provides programs into schools, prisons and with young adults and carers.
Headspace, the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, provides early intervention mental health services to young people age 12-25. Support and assistance focuses on the following core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support, and alcohol and other drug services. Headspace centres are located across metropolitan, regional and rural areas of Australia and are there to help young people access health workers, psychologists, social workers, counsellors and other kinds of support.
Institute of Clinical Psychologists
Institute of Clinical Psychologists (ICP) focuses on promoting and supporting high standards of ethical and professional practice among psychologists who work in the private sector. ICP has been active in the mental health sector for almost 50 years and has an established history of advocating for improved mental health services.
Independent Community Living Australia
ICLA (Independent Community Living Australia ) supports people with mental health and psychosocial disabilities to live valued lives in their chosen communities. ICLA manages over 20 residential locations, providing long-term, secure, and affordable accommodation and support services for people who experience severe and complex mental health, and psychosocial disabilities. ICLA also manages the PARC (Prevention and recovery centre) in Bondi, supporting people with mental health in the step up or step down from a hospital service. ICLA also provide a national peer support service known as eFriend which provides an online structured connection to a lived experience peer worker anywhere in Australia. ICLA’s work across the telehealth, disability, residential (and housing) as well as mental health sectors provides a unique service offering across sectors. Our mission is to deliver personalised support enabling individual choice to improve people’s lives in their journey of recovery.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people and other sexuality and gender diverse (LGBTIQ+) people and communities.
We recognise that people’s genders, bodies, relationships and sexualities affect their health and wellbeing in every domain of their life.
Lifeline Australia
Lifeline is Australia’s largest suicide prevention service with a vision of an Australia free of suicide. The Lifeline network includes 40 centres in metropolitan, rural and remote areas across the nation. There are over 10,000 volunteers and 1,000 employees working to ensure that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone. Lifeline aims to deliver digital services to Australian people in crisis, wherever they might be and in the mode in which they are most comfortable accessing support. Each year, Lifeline receives almost 1 million contacts from people in crisis. Someone in Australia phones the 13 11 14 phoneline every 35 seconds. People also access support online via webchat at lifeline.org.au (7pm – midnight AEST) and through text message service on 0477 13 11 14 (6pm – midnight AEST). Lifeline centres also deliver accredited education and training programs focusing on suicide awareness and prevention; and community-based suicide prevention initiatives, including support services (for example counselling and bereavement groups) for those impacted by suicide. If you, or someone you know is in need of support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
The Liptember Foundation is the trusted source and respected leader when it comes to women’s mental health with a mission to ensure every woman can achieve their optimal mental health. Working alongside a community of experts, advocates and allies the Liptember Foundation raises and distributes funds towards the most critical women’s mental health outcomes. Undertaking annual, gender specific research into women’s mental health; the Liptember Foundation is also paving the way for female-centric methodologies when developing new approaches to mental illness prevention, diagnosis, treatment, support services and programs.
Lived Experience Australia
Lived Experience Australia was formed in 2002, is a company limited by guarantee and is the national representative organisation for mental health consumers and carers with a strong focus on the private sector. We have State Advisory Forums in all Australian states and the ACT and make a difference in systemic advocacy by being informed about issues facing people with mental ill-health, their families and carers. We use our lived experience perspectives to influence mental health policy, planning and decision making at local, state and national levels and have developed a number of resources to support advocacy and clinician e-learning tools.
Manna Institute is a virtual research institute dedicated to improving mental health and wellbeing in rural, regional, and remote Australia. It supports meaningful, translateable place-based research and fosters the development of professional mental health researches and aligned workforces. Manna is an initiative of the seven universities of the Regional Universities Network (RUN) - Charles Sturt University, Central Queensland University, Federation University, Southern Cross University, The University of Southern Queensland, the University of Sunshine Coast and lead institution the University of New England. Manna institute’s work tackles the impacts of the changing enviroment, systemic and geographic inequities, and challenges of deliverying mental health supports throughout the vast Australian landscape. Their give mental health research streams focus on child, youth and family; physical activity; ageing and disabiliyu; climate change and the enviroment and distress and suicide prevention. Each stream is a growing collaboration of researchers from universities across Australia, First Nations and Lived Experience representatives, and community and industry partners from partner organisations including Foundation partners Everymind, Lifeline Direct and the Australian National University’s Centre for Mental Health Research. Manna has established a Higher Degree Research Community of practice and mentoring program for early and mid-career researchers from across Australia committed to research in regional mental health. This allows for the development of relatonships between researchers that overcome geographic isolation. We hold a variety of events aimed at connecting researchers across the research career trajectory.
Mental Health Australia General Clinical Trials Network (MAGNET) is Australia’s first clinical trial network focused on adult mental health. Our network of 100+ world-leading researchers, carers, insurers, lived-experience experts, and First Nations representatives aims to support transformative research that addresses major unmet needs in mental health by facilitating collaborative, large-scale trials. MAGNET provides researchers with resources informed by current best practice needed to design, develop, and coordinate clinical trials. These resources include access to world-leading health economists and statisticians with expertise in mental health clinical trials, assessment training guidelines and materials, data safety and management boards and guidance on ethics.
Meaningful Ageing Australia is a membership-based not-for-profit organisation, focussed on the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of older people. We create evidence-informed, practical resources and engage with the system of care to improve quality of life for people who are accessing aged care services. We are the peak body for spirituality and ageing.
Mental Health Carers Australia
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of families and carers supporting someone with mental ill health. Our mission is to be the national voice for families and carers to enable the best possible life. We are achieving this by influencing systemic change in government policy and service provider practice to improve the family and carer experience of the mental health system.
Mental Health Coalition of SA Inc
The Mental Health Coalition of South Australia is the peak body for the non-government mental health sector in South Australia.
Vision - All South Australians affected by mental illness are receiving the support they need to live well in the community.
Mission - To influence the development, range and responsiveness of services to support people affected by mental illness by:
• Working to reduce stigma and increase an understanding of mental illness and its prevention
• Representing and working with the community mental health service sector (non government) to support people affected by mental illness
• Promoting and building the role of the community mental health service sector (non government).
Value Statement - We believe in the inherent value and dignity of each individual and the right to self-determination, citizenship and social justice.
Mental Health Community Coalition ACT
MHCC ACT is the peak body representing the community managed mental health sector in the ACT. Our aim is to foster the capacity of the sector to deliver quality, sustainable, recovery-oriented services to support people with mental health issues and their carers.
Mental Health Coordinating Council
Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) is the peak body for community mental health organisations in NSW. Since 1983 we have worked to build the capacity of community organisations to support people on their recovery journeys. Informed through consultation with the sector, MHCC advocates for policy development and legislative reform and best practice approaches, and supports innovation and the value of the sector. MHCC also offers responsive and highly flexible mental health training and professional development opportunities grounded in recovery-oriented and trauma-informed practice. Our work stems from the belief that people with lived experience are drivers of positive change in all mental health services.
Mental Health Council of Tasmania
The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is the peak body for community managed mental health services in Tasmania. We represent and promote the interests of our Members and work closely with Tasmanian Government agencies and Primary Health Tasmania to ensure sectoral input into public policies and programs. We have a strong commitment to enabling better mental health care access and outcomes for every Tasmanian. Our purpose is to improve mental health for all Tasmanians, and our vision is for all Tasmanians to have awareness of, and value, their mental health and wellbeing.
Mental Health First Aid Australia
Mental Health First Aid Australia is a national not for profit provider of skills-based mental health first aid education. We deliver practical training within a professional, evidence-based model, guided by the voices of lived experience. Our range of training courses are delivered nationally by more than 2,000 accredited instructors in communities, workplaces and schools nation-wide. Mental Health First AidTM training is internationally renowned and rigorously evaluated.
Mental Health First AidTM courses provide participants with the skills, knowledge and confidence to recognise and respond to someone experiencing a mental health problem or a mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.
Mental Health Foundation Australia
The Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA) is a non-profit non-government organisation serving the community since 1930, promoting mental health awareness, advocacy, education, resilience, research and support in Australia. The MHFA aims to reduce stigma, provide resources, advocate for improved services, and offer programs for mental health understanding.
The MHFA is committed to empowering individuals to take proactive steps in caring for their mental health, seeking help when needed, and advocating for a mentally healthy society where everyone has access to the support, resources, and understanding they deserve.
Mental Health Policy Unit, University of Canberra (MHPU)
The MHPU are part of the Health Research Institute based at the University of Canberra. They focus on using evidence-based decision support systems to support health and social policy. They work with local and international research institutions, governments, health networks, service providers and advocacy organisations to better understand, influence and improve mental health and disability care in the community.
Mental Health Professionals Network
MHPN is a federally funded, not-for-profit organisation established in 2008 to support and enhance a more interdisciplinary approach to primary mental health care service delivery in Australia. The activities of MHPN are anchored on the premise that collaborative mental healthcare is enhanced if practitioners from the relevant disciplines can connect regularly, resulting in greater consultation and collaboration, more targeted referrals, and improved outcomes for people with mental health conditions. MHPN promotes collaborative care through two platforms: face-to-face interdisciplinary mental health practitioner network meetings and an online professional development webinar program, both of which have been shown through evidence-based evaluations to improve practitioners’ attitudes and practice regarding interdisciplinary care.
Mental Health Victoria
Mental Health Victoria (MHV) Ltd is the peak body for organisations that work within or intersect with the mental health system in Victoria. Our members include consumer and carer groups, community health and mental health services, hospitals, medical associations and colleges, police and emergency services associations, unions, local governments, and other bodies across the health, housing and justice sectors. Our aim is to ensure that people living with mental illness can access the care they need, when and where they need it - be it in the home, the community, or in the hospital.
Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia
Mental Illness Fellowship Australia (MIFA) is a federation of seven long-standing service delivery member organisations, established in 1986. Our members deliver specialist services for individuals living with severe mental ill-health and their carers, friends and families, out of nearly 60 ‘front doors’ in metropolitan and regional areas, to over 20,000 people each year. Our membership has a strong focus on building community, valuing peer support and lived experience, and supporting recovery. We know from experience that recovery of a better quality of life is possible for everyone affected by mental illness. We work with individuals and families in their journey to recover mental health, physical health, social connectedness and equal opportunity in all aspects of life. We have substantial experience delivering specialist, place-based, community-building programs to those experiencing mental illness, and over 55% of our workforce has a lived experience as a consumer or carer. With a strong focus on advocacy, MIFA aims to amplify the voices of people affected by severe and complex mental illness.
Mind Australia
Mind Australian Limited (Mind) is one of the country’s leading community-managed specialised mental health service providers. We have been supporting people who are dealing with the day-to-day impacts of mental ill-health, as well as their families, friends and carers for 40 years. Our staff deliver a range of services and supports to people challenged by mental ill-health. In the last financial year, Mind provided over 400,000 hours of recovery focused, person centred support service to over 9,000 people, including residential rehabilitation, personalised support, youth services, family carer services and care coordination. Mind also operates as a provider of services and supports to individuals who have NDIS funding packages in multiple locations across Australia. We also work with people to address poverty, housing, education and employment. It is an approach to mental health and wellbeing that looks at the whole person in the context of their daily life, and focuses on the social determinants of mental health, as they play out in people’s lives. We value lived experience and diversity and many of our staff identify as having a lived experience of mental ill-health. Mind significantly invests in research about mental health recovery and psychosocial disability and shares this knowledge, developing evidence informed new service models, evaluating outcomes, and providing training for peer workers and mental health professionals. We also advocate for, and campaign on basic human rights for everyone; constantly challenging the stigma and discrimination experienced by people with mental health issues.
mindgardens Neuroscience Network
Mindgardens Neuroscience Network is a membership organisation comprising the University of NSW, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD), Black Dog Institute and Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). Mindgardens was established to improve the lives of people who experience mental illness, drug and alcohol and neurological disorders. Focused on real-world challenges, Mindgardens changes the way healthcare services are designed and delivered by bringing together people with lived experience with clinicians, researchers and health system managers to co-design new models of care and bring about real system change with rapid and demonstrable results.
Combining the expertise of our Members, Mindgardens forms a unique and highly concentrated research translation hub, centred on the southern eastern Sydney region but with the ambition to improve practice across Australia and internationally. Our pioneering work in physical health care for people who experience severe mental illness, and in youth mental health service integration, are setting the pace in service delivery and influencing policy at a national level.
MindSpot is a free, digital psychology service supporting Australian adults with their mental health. Our services include psychological assessment and treatments. We specialise in supporting people experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and chronic pain and our team of experienced mental health professionals have supported more than 200,000 Australians. Our treatment courses are effective and backed by clinical trials from the eCentreClinic – a leading specialist research clinic at Macquarie University. MindSpot is funded by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care, and delivered by MQ Health, Macquarie University.
National Rural Health Alliance
The National Rural Health Alliance (the Alliance), comprising national organisations, is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the 7 million people in rural and remote Australia. Our diverse membership includes representation from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector, health professional organisations, health service providers, health educators and students.
The Alliance provides a united voice for people and health professionals living and working in rural communities and advocates for sustainable and affordable health services. Our most important role, underpinned by our broad representative base, is listening to the people of rural, regional and remote Australia and taking their views to government.
Neami supports people to achieve the wellbeing and mental health outcomes that matter to them. We provide more than 70 services across Australia supporting mental health and wellbeing, housing and homelessness, and suicide prevention.
We’re big believers in everyone having the opportunity to live a full life – and we give our all to support people to achieve the wellbeing and mental health outcomes that matter to them.
For some people, this means having a stronger sense of self. For others, it may mean nurturing relationships or building the confidence to tackle tomorrow. Everyone has different life goals, and at Neami, we walk alongside people to help improve their quality of life on their terms. We are proud to support 38,000 people living with mental health challenges.
The National Eating Disorders Collaboration - NEDC
NEDC is an initiative of the Australian eating disorder sector funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care dedicating to developing and implementing a consistent, evidence-informed approach to the prevention and response of eating disorders in Australia. NEDC provides a vital collaborative and national strategic platform for people with lived experience, clinical, and academic expertise to generate unified, evidence-based sector positions and consistent national standards. NEDC implements these standards in bespoke system-building tools, workforce development initiatives and consultation. NEDC also provides expert consultation and guidance on evidence-based provision of eating disorder services to policymakers and to national, state/territory and regional health, mental health, and community organisations
NT Mental Health Coalition
Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition is the peak body for community mental health and wellbeing. Our vision is for all Territorians to have the opportunity for the best possible mental health and wellbeing. Our purpose as the peak body is to bring a strong voice for mental health and wellbeing for the Northern Territory.
Occupational Therapy Australia
As Australia’s professional association for occupational therapy, Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA) fosters evidence-based practice, enables lifelong learning and promotes the future of occupational therapy. OTA exists to support occupational therapists to support their community.
Orygen: Leading the revolution in youth mental health. We believe that all young people deserve to grow into adulthood with optimal mental health. Everything we do is focused on that outcome. Most mental health disorders begin between the early teens to the mid-20s. One in five young people will have experienced a depressive episode by the time they turn 18. We believe in treating early and focusing on recovery. Pioneering reform to deliver real-world practical solutions. Never settling for anything less than what young people need and deserve. Our research is world-leading, impactful and creates change. Working directly with young people, their families and friends, we pioneer new, positive approaches to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. We advocate. We make sure that policy makers understand the need and cost of mental ill-health in young people. We educate. We use our research and evidence-based practice to develop innovative training programs and resources. Our goal? To see young people with mental ill-health getting well and staying well. Now that’s a revolution in mind.
Ostara Australia Limited
Ostara Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation that works closely with the Australian Government, member organisations, communities and employers to place people disadvantaged through age, health, disability or cultural background into sustainable employment. Their holistic approach is to address both the vocational and non-vocational barriers faced by disadvantaged job seekers. As such, they deliver personalised employment services, whilst also working in collaboration with countless community and welfare organisations to help job seekers with any mental, cultural or emotional challenges.
Parent-Infant Research Institute
The Parent-Infant Research Institute (PIRI) is a vigorous and innovative Australian research institute whose vision is to improve the emotional well-being of parents and to optimise infant development. PIRI provides a unique contribution to early intervention by combining basic research and clinical expertise to address depression and other difficulties facing parents and infants. The Institute is a leading body recognized internationally for its cutting-edge research into perinatal depression and anxiety, online mental health treatments and translating research to practice.
Prevention United is a registered health promotion charity that have an exclusive focus on promoting mental wellbeing and preventing mental health conditions – across the entire spectrum of conditions, across the lifespan. They were established in 2018 to promote the prevention of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety conditions, behavioural disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other conditions. They believe that the promotion of mental wellbeing and the prevention of mental health conditions is becoming increasingly within our reach and that by committing increased time, effort and resources on this ambition, a world without mental health conditions may not be too far away.
Psychosis Australia
The mission of the Psychosis Australia is to support organisational, investment, and policy capacity to carry out priority-driven research into schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder – with the aim of helping all those affected by these mental illnesses to live better lives now. Established to be an umbrella organisation and knowledge bank for research and services related to psychosis in Australia, the immediate goals of Pyschosis Australia are to:
• Review current research programs and activities being carried out in Australia in relation to psychotic disorders, and developing an evidence-based approach to allocating priorities for further research;
• Carry out research and research-related activities in relation to psychotic disorders;
• Link the priorities of researchers with those of Australians who have the lived experience of psychosis, through our partnership with consumer and carer organisations across Australia; and
• Promote and facilitate the translation of research into practice in relation to psychotic disorders – thereby reducing the burden of disease.
Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)
Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) is a leading national peak body and professional association for counsellors and psychotherapists in Australia. PACFA’s mission is to represent the profession to communities and government, and to develop the evidence-base for counselling and psychotherapy. PACFA promotes the development and practice of counselling and psychotherapy and respects and supports the diversity of approaches within the field. PACFA provides a united forum for diverse counsellors and psychotherapists to foster professional identity, support training and research, and ensure public accountability. PACFA provides self-regulation functions for the counselling and psychotherapy profession. Practising members of PACFA and of PACFA Member Associations are listed on PACFA’s National Register. PACFA Registrants have demonstrated an approved level of training, experience and competence and comply with PACFA’s ethical standards. The Register is accessible via the PACFA website to members of the public looking for a counsellor or psychotherapist and to other professionals wishing to make referrals. PACFA actively advocates to government other bodies for greater professional recognition of counsellors and psychotherapists, their training and skills and the contribution they make to the mental health sector.
Queensland Alliance for Mental Health
The Queensland Alliance for Mental Health (QAMH) represents more than 100 organisations and stakeholders involved in the delivery of Community Mental Wellbeing Services across Queensland. As the peak body for the Community Mental Wellbeing Sector in the state, our role is to foster sector excellence through our leadership, influence and collaboration with our members and strategic partners.
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research
Established in 1987, the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research (QCMHR) is Queensland’s premier mental health research facility. Based at The Park Centre for Mental Health at Wacol, QCMHR is hosted by the West Moreton Hospital and Health Service and has close links with The University of Queensland’s Queensland Brain Institute and School of Public Health, the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, and Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners. The work conducted at QCMHR aims to reduce the level of disability associated with mental illness. This is achieved by providing internationally recognised research that leads to more effective mental health services and interventions, the identification and reduction of risk factors, and the development of researchers in the field of mental health.
The R U OK? vision is a world where we’re all connected and are protected from suicide. Our mission is to inspire and empower people to meaningfully connect with those in their world and lend support when they are struggling with life.
ReachOut Australia
ReachOut is the most accessed online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia. Their trusted self-help information, peer-support program and referral tools save lives by helping young people be well and stay well. The information they offer parents makes it easier for them to help their teenagers, too. ReachOut has been championing wider access to mental health support since they launched their online service more than 20 years ago. Everything they create is based on the latest evidence and is designed with experts, and young people or their parents. That’s why ReachOut is a trusted, relevant service that’s so easy to use. Accessed by more than 2 million people in Australia each year, ReachOut is a free service that’s available anytime and pretty much anywhere.
Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia is a federation of community-based, not-for-profit organisations with no religious affiliations. Our services are for all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, living arrangements, cultural background or economic circumstances. Relationships Australia has, for over 70 years, provided a range of relationship services to Australian families, including individual, couple and family group counselling, dispute resolution, services to older people, children’s services, services for victims and perpetrators of family violence, and relationship and professional education. We aim to support all people in Australia to live with positive and respectful relationships, and believe that people have the capacity to change how they relate to others and develop better health and wellbeing. The core of our work is relationships – through our programs we work with people to enhance and improve relationships in the family (whether or not the family is together) with friends and colleagues, and within communities. Relationships Australia believes that violence, coercion, control and inequality are unacceptable. We respect the rights of all people, in all their diversity, to live life fully and meaningfully within their families and communities with dignity and safety, and to enjoy healthy relationships. A commitment to fundamental human rights, to be recognised universally and without discrimination, underpins our work.
Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia
The Royal Flying Doctor Service is one of the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisations in the world, providing extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to people over an area of 7.69 million square kilometres. Delivered by a dedicated team of professionals, using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, and supported by a vast number of volunteers and supporters, the RFDS is vital for those that live, work and travel in rural and remote Australia.
Mission - To provide excellence in aeromedical and primary health care across Australia.
Rural & Remote Mental Health
Rural and Remote Mental Health (RRMH): For over 12 years now, Rural and Remote Mental Health (RRMH) has been delivering mental health programs and services to people living and working in rural and remote Australia. RRMH champions proactive and preventative initiatives for rural and remote communities. They demonstrate a commitment to practical outcomes by focusing on early intervention, the identification of problems on the horizon and the prevention of them where possible. Their three key programs are: • Resource Minds – for the mining, quarrying, resources and remote construction sector • Deadly Thinking – for Indigenous communities • Rural Minds – for agricultural and farming communities.
SANE Australia
SANE Australia is a national mental health charity making a real difference in the lives of people affected by complex mental health issues through support, research and advocacy. Our vision is for an Australia where people affected by complex mental health issues live long and fulfilling lives, free from stigma and discrimination. SANE Australia has three key areas of focus to make a real difference in the lives of Australians affected by complex mental health issues. Support SANE Australia supports people affected by complex mental health issues, their family and friends through our Help Centre services including: ⁃ Helpline – National Freecall service providing support, information, advice, and referral on complex mental health issues ⁃ Help Centre Online – Personal email responses to Helpline enquiries via the Help Centre ⁃ Web chat – Real–time online chat service ⁃ SANE Forums – An online peer-to-peer support service, operated in partnership with other mental health organisations around the country. Supported by the Australian Government, Department of Health. Research ⁃ SANE’s research is conducted through the Anne Deveson Research Centre (ADRC). The Centre undertakes practical research that drives policy change to produce better social outcomes for people affected by complex mental health issues. Advocacy ⁃ Our advocacy and campaigning work educates decision-makers about the needs of people affected by complex mental health issues, and how they can be supported to lead a better life through improved services, supports, and community attitudes. In 2018, the Dax Centre, which promotes better understanding of mental health issues through art, became part of the SANE Australia group.
The Sleep Health Foundation was established in 2010 as a not-for-profit health promotion charity. It has a strong operational board and a fulltime CEO. Our vision is to Improve people’s lives through better sleep. Our mission is to promote better sleep to optimise health (including mental health), well-being and performance for all Australians. We currently receive no government funding at all but are working hard to have sleep established as an essential component of health and hence receive funds to sustain our organisational aims and objectives which are:
• Community education and health promotion: Providing evidence-based community education materials and encouraging partnerships with other organisations to promote sleep health.
• Political and community advocacy: Providing strong advocacy to help meet the sleep health needs of the community and people with mental health conditions and sleep disorders.
• Best practice in services and therapy: Encouraging evidence-based sleep health treatments and patient-focused services and outcomes.
• Research: Facilitating and disseminating sleep research, including knowledge translation
Smiling Mind is an Australian not-for-profit dedicated to mental health promotion and prevention, creating evidence-backed, life-long tools to support healthy minds. Our digital programs focus on supporting skill acquisition to build and maintain mental fitness - anytime, anywhere. Since 2012, Smiling Mind has reached more than 11 million children and millions of adults globally through programs in schools, homes, and workplaces. We exist to help every mind thrive, and are committed to driving generational change in mental health.
Society for Mental Health Research
Society for Mental Health Research (SMHR), formerly known as The Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (ASPR) is a national peak body for psychiatric and mental health research in Australia and New Zealand. We believe that research is the key to improving mental health and ill-health, and it is the pathway to better knowledge, detection, treatment, and recovery. Our researchers work across the spectrum of science, discovery, and translation in mental health and ill-health and value working in partnership with people with a lived experience.
Speech Pathology Australia
Speech Pathology Australia is the national peak body for speech pathologists in Australia. Speech pathologists are the university-trained allied health professionals who specialise in diagnosing and treating communication and swallowing problems (dysphagia). For many reasons, people living with a mental illness are at a significantly greater risk of experiencing both communication and swallowing difficulties than the general population. Speech pathologists are an important part of the mental health team, assessing and improving a person’s communication and swallowing skills to contribute to the differential diagnostic process and help the individual function physically, socially and mentally at home, in the classroom, in the workplace, in social situations and in mental health treatment programs.
Stride is Australia’s longest-established mental health charity providing specialist mental health services to people with mental illness & complex needs since 1907. Our mission is simple. We provide services to support people at all stages of their mental health journey, from early intervention services, designed to support children, young people and adults at-risk of developing mental health conditions, to services for people with ongoing and complex needs. Wherever people are in their journey, we work with them to create the life they want.
SuperFriend: Together with industry partners, SuperFriend designs and delivers mental health and wellbeing initiatives that enable workplaces to thrive. Their online and in-person mental health training, resources and research is used in workplaces Australia wide, and they advocate for system change through involvement in Government and industry working groups. SuperFriend’s vision is for an Australia where all workplaces are mentally healthy.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) is responsible for training, educating and representing psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand. The RANZCP is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) to deliver specialist medical education and training, and professional development programs. The RANZCP supports and enhances clinical practice, advocates for people affected by mental illness and advises governments on mental health care.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is Australia’s largest professional general practice organisation and represents urban and rural general practitioners. The RACGP’s mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of all people in Australia by supporting GPs, general practice registrars and medical students through its principal activities of education, training and research and by assessing doctors’ skills and knowledge, supplying ongoing professional development activities, developing resources and guidelines, helping GPs with issues that affect their practice, and developing standards that general practices use to ensure high quality healthcare. The RACGP has a proud history of achievements, including the development of the Standards for general practices and introducing continuing professional development. The RACGP carries its activities within the following areas of strategic focus: collegiality education and training for general practice innovation and policy for general practice. The RACGP vision statement and strategic overview and Reconciliation action plan Action Plan are used by RACGP Council, committees and staff to ensure the clarity and currency of our strategic priorities.
TheMHS Learning Network Inc
TheMHS Learning Network Inc. is an international learning network for improving mental health services in Australia and New Zealand. TheMHS Learning Network is a registered charity run by a volunteer Management Committee.
TheMHS events bring together people from across Australia and New Zealand to stimulate debates that challenge the boundaries of present knowledge and ideas about mental health care and mental health systems.
TheMHS Learning Network believes in promoting positive attitudes about mental health and mental illness.
Their forums foster the exchange of ideas, focus discussion on workforce development, and are a great place for networking and debate for professionals, consumers, families and carers, managers, researchers and policy-makers.
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council VMIAC
The Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC) is the peak Victorian non-government organisation for people with lived experience of mental health or emotional issues. VMIAC works to educate the community about mental illness from a consumer perspective, and provide information and support for mental health consumers around the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). They also provide advocacy services to assist consumers and improve the mental health system. VMIAC’s vision is to create a world where all mental health consumers stand proud, live a life with choices honoured, rights upheld and these principles embedded in all aspects of society.
WA Association for Mental Health
The Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) is the peak body for the community mental health sector in Western Australia and exists to champion mental wellbeing, recovery and citizenship.
WAAMH recognises a continuum of supports - built on principles of human rights, recovery, co-production, personalisation and choice, social inclusion and cultural connection - are essential to the promotion, protection and restoration of mental wellbeing. WAAMH promotes, advocates for and further develops this network of supports.
WAAMH’s membership comprises community managed organisations providing mental health services, programs or supports and people and families with lived experience of mental health issues and suicide, with whom WAAMH engages in genuine partnership. WAAMH also engages a wide network of collaborative relationships at a state and national level with individuals, organisations and community members which share its values and objectives.
Wellways Australia
Wellways Australia is a provider with 40 years’ experience, we specialise in mental health, disability support and carer services. We dedicate resources to advocacy, to ensure systems are responsible and equitable, and society is inclusive. To us recovery means all Australians lead active and fulfilling lives in their community. We work with individuals, families and the community to help them imagine and achieve better lives. We provide a wide range of services and assistance for people with mental health issues, disabilities and those requiring community care, as well as carers as a Carer Gateway regional delivery partner throughout Queensland and the New South Wales regions of South West Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains.
Youturn Youth Support
Youturn Youth Support (formerly United Synergies) is a charity which started over 30 years ago to address and support youth homelessness in the local Noosa region. Since these humble beginnings of supporting just 6 people with 5 volunteers in our first year, our organisation has grown and evolved into a vibrant state-wide organisation dedicated to making a difference across three social causes of Child Safety, Homelessness and Mental Health. In August 2020, we rebranded our organisation and changed our name from United Synergies to Youturn Youth Support – to truly encapsulate the service to those young people we support. For more on the rebrand, watch our brand reveal video below.