Is your organisation seeking a mental health consumer and / or carer representative?

Organisations seeking a national level mental health consumer or carer representative should contact the National Register secretariat by phone: (02) 6285 3100 or email: to discuss the process of identifying and engaging a suitable representative.

Organisations will be asked to provide information explaining what the representative role is, what is expected of the representative, and remuneration details (representatives’ expenses should be met and sitting fees or an honorarium paid).

Once organisations have discussed the representative role with the National Register secretariat and completed an organisation application, information about the representative opportunity will then be sent to National Register members. Expressions of interest for the position will be sought at this time, and interested members will be asked to provide a written application.

The most suitable applicant will then be chosen by a selection panel made up of the Mental Health Australia Board Consumer and Carer Representatives, and the National Mental Health Consumer & Carer Forum (NMHCCF) Executive Committee. Please keep in mind the process takes approximately three weeks.

Further information regarding the selection process can be found in the Selection Procedure document below.

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consumers and carers

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