Matthew Berriman steps down as Chair of Mental Health Australia

It is with sadness Mental Health Australia announces that Matthew Berriman has resigned as Board Chair effective immediately. 

During his 3-year tenure guiding the Mental Health Australia Board, Mr Berriman has brought the importance of lived experience to the forefront of the organisation. 

“His passion and motivation for amplifying the voices of people with lived experience and their family, carers and supporters have been an asset to Mental Health Australia’s advocacy efforts, and his unrelenting drive has helped put the issue of mental health reform on the agenda of our country’s decision-makers,” says Ms Carolyn Nikoloski, CEO of Mental Health Australia. 

“We thank Mr Berriman for all his valued work with Mental Health Australia and wish him the best for the future.” 

Mr Berriman is leaving to pursue his strong individual advocacy work at the national level.  

“I have put all of my efforts into advocating for people with lived experience of mental ill-health for the past few years in my role as Chair of the Mental Health Australia Board, and am incredibly proud of what I have achieved so far,” Mr Berriman said.  

“Unfortunately, the time has come to step down so I can refocus my advocacy work in the lead-up to the Federal Election in 2025. Now is the time to speak up loudly, so collectively we can all make as big of an impact as possible for the community to get results.” 

Further information about the new Chair of the Mental Health Australia Board will be announced shortly. 

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