Mental Health Sector calls on PM for certainty of funding

Mental Health Australia has delivered a letter to Prime Minister The Hon Tony Abbott imploring that the Commonwealth take urgent action to ensure continuity of services and programs for Australians who live with mental illness.

The letter includes 70 signatures from key mental health organisations including Headspace, the Black Dog Institute, Suicide Prevention Australia, R U OK and SANE Australia.

Right now, hundreds of contracts for community based mental health services and programs funded by the Department of Health are due to end 30 June 2015.

“While we understand the Government will be formulating its response to the National Mental Health Commission’s Review of Mental Heath Services and Programmes, the continued uncertainty has now reached crisis point, ” Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said.

Services have already begun to shut down, and some staff have left to take up more secure positions. Certainty of funding is desperately needed so that community organisations can continue their important work.

Open letter to The Hon Tony Abbott MP - urgent action to ensure continuity of services and programs

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