1 June 2012
In this submission the MHCA congratulates the Mental Health Standing Committee for its recognition of the role of recovery as critical to the implementation of better mental health services, and makes a series of suggestions context of our desire to drive lasting change in the delivery of recovery based services to mental health consumers and carers. These suggestions centre around ensuring a focus on people with lived experience and maximising the impact of the Framework through a range of educational and sector development mechanisms.
Media Releases
10 August 2011
The Mental Health Council of Australia has welcomed the release of the Productivity Commission’s final report into Disability Care and Support and applauds the inclusion of those experiencing disability caused by mental illness within the final scope of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. “The Productivity Commission’s final report recognises the right of people with psychosocial disability to receive the same disability support as people with any other kind of disability”, said Mr Frank Quinlan, CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia.
Media Releases
10 August 2011
The Mental Health Council of Australia has welcomed the release of the Productivity Commission’s final report into Disability Care and Support and applauds the inclusion of those experiencing disability caused by mental illness within the final scope of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. “The Productivity Commission’s final report recognises the right of people with psycho-social disability to receive the same disability support as people with any other kind of disability”, said Mr Frank Quinlan, CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia.
Media Releases
15 March 2011
A long awaited evaluation into the mental health Better Access initiative shows that while the Commonwealth’s billion dollar outlay through the Medical Benefits Schedule has increased the rates of treatment for some, too many Australians in need of services are still missing out.
Media Releases
15 February 2011
The COAG health agreement paves the way for the Gillard Government to deliver on its promise to invest in and reform mental health care in Australia.
1 February 2011
The MHCA broadly supports the introduction of Flexible Care Packages for treatment in primary care settings for use by mental health consumers.