Newsletters / Bulletins
1 August 2012
In this issue: National Articles; 1. High Court clears way for plain packaged cigarettes to be sold in Australia (National); 2. Plain reality: High Court ruling, a victory for a healthier nation (National); 3. RACGP launches redeveloped ‘ GP Psych Support’ website (National); 4. Call to reduce death rates for persons with mental ill health ( QLD ); 5. Aggression and Sibs – June 2012 (National); 6. New evidence supports PTSD treatment (National); International Articles; 7. Peer support to help residents ( NZ ); 8. Mental health of a war-torn Somalia (Africa); 9. Mental illness driving people out of the workforce ( NZ ); 10. Mental Health Taboo in the Ethiopian Community: Interview with Dr. Welansa Asrat