Targets and indicators for mental health reform: consumer and carer views
In May 2013, the Mental Health Council of Australia and the National Mental Health Commission co-hosted two workshops on targets and indicators for mental health reform.
At the first workshop mental health consumer and carer representatives discussed their priorities for targets and indicators. A number of people also shared their views on camera about:
- what a better world looks like for you in regards to mental health
- what needs to happen to make this better world a reality; and
- how will we know when we’ve got there?
Consumer and carer leaders showed this video at the second workshop, to focus delegates’ thinking on targets and indicators that would drive the kinds of change that consumers and carers hoped to see.
Thank you to the members of the National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum and the National Register, and other consumer and carer representatives who shared their thoughts with us.
The report from the targets and indicators consultations is available here.