The National Disability Insurance Scheme - Project Advisory Group

The  Mental Health Council of Australia (MHCA) has an established a Project Advisory Group (PAG) to provide expert advice to the MHCA on the most effective ways for the MHCA to support capacity building for mental health sector consumers, carers and service providers to engage with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in the relevant launch sites and prepare nationally for the broader roll out of the NDIS.

Below are the Minutes of the PAG meeting held on 10 December 2013. At this meeting, PAG members agreed to progress work on a number of priority areas that will ensure that the mental health sector, including consumers and carers, is better informed and prepared to participate in the NDIS trial sites in the lead up to the implementation of the full scheme. The PAG agreed to support the MHCA to undertake a range of activities over the coming months to help inform the development of an assessment of the needs of the sector in relation to the NDIS.  The MHCA plans to submit this needs assessment to the National Disability Insurance Agency in July. These include; consultation opportunities, organisational readiness workshops, policy papers and web-based resources.

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NDIS, Project Advisory Group

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