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    “Today we are asking party leaders to support mental health. There are important reforms underway and these cannot be forgotten during the current electoral cycle,” said Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan.

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    Tonight’s Budget includes a number of welcome new initiatives for mental health, but leaves ongoing uncertainty about how current reforms will be coordinated...

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    Mental Health Australia is today announcing a new program aimed at providing an avenue for both individuals and the corporate world to engage with the mental...

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    Ella Ingram – the 21-year-old student who refused to accept insurance giant QBE ’s decision to deny her travel insurance claim – has won a landmark victory against discrimination in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

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    Mental Health Australia has today welcomed the release of the Final Report of the National Ice Taskforce by the Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP . “...

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    One in five Australians will experience a mental illness in the next 12 months, almost 50% of us in our lifetimes. Saturday 10 October is World Mental Health Day. On this day Australians are asked to make a personal mental health promise to themselves at and share it on social media. “Mental illness impacts so many in our community. But if we can recognise the signs and do something about it early, we can significantly reduce the impact it can have on our lives. Unfortunately, our research shows less than one in five Australians regularly seeks help when they are stressed or down. This suggests people could be neglecting their mental health for too long,” Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said today. Australia currently has a mental health system that is fragmented and difficult to navigate. The Australian Government has indicated it will launch a substantial mental health reform package before the end of 2015. Mental Health Australia has urged the Government to take a bold approach to reform.

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    Exclusive research commissioned by Mental Health Australia has asked Australians what they’re doing to improve their mental health and wellbeing against ten key activities.“Generally, Australians are doing better than expected regarding their participation in activities that assist with improving mental health and wellbeing,” Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said. “However, we found when we looked at these and other activities in young adults between 18 and 29, the results were not as strong,” Mr Quinlan said.

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    Mental Health Australia is running a campaign to mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2015, and highlight the role we all play in our own good mental health and wellbeing. This important event on the mental health calendar coincides with National Mental Health Week and the ABC ’s Mental As campaign. This year, Mental Health Australia has partnered with a number of organisations to spread the word and help break down stigma and encourage help-seeking behaviour.

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    This World Suicide Prevention Day, Mental Health Australia is calling on governments across the country to focus on preventing suicide as an integral part of a national mental health reform agenda. “More people die by suicide than on our roads. Despite this, suicide prevention does not attract anywhere near the same level of public attention or funding,” Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said. “Suicide can be prevented, it just takes leadership and careful investment to make a meaningful change.”

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    Mental Health Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Robyn Kruk AM to its Board. “Today we welcomed Robyn Kruk to the position of Board appointed director on the Mental Health Australia Board,” Mental Health Australia Board Chair Jennifer Westacott said.


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