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    Perspectives Newsletter - September 2015. When a mental health crisis occurs, often the first people on the scene are the police. However, in reality, the need for trained mental health professionals as first responders is also key. In this article, Kym Ryan, CEO of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses discusses a new plan by NSW Police to ensure mental health nurses are part of any first response to reported mental health related crises.

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    Perspectives Newsletter - September 2015. Mental Health Australia has recently launched a new non-voting individual membership category, allowing everyone the opportunity to support the mental health sector in Australia. For a small fee, anyone can become a ‘Friend of Mental Health Australia’.

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    Perspectives Newsletter - September 2015. Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan recently joined a delegation of leaders from the mental health sector to attend the Garma Festival in the Northern Territory. In this article Frank shares his experiences and photos from this important Indigenous cultural event.

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    Perspectives Newsletter - September 2015. Mental health reform in Australia is currently impacted by many government processes. Much of the work currently conducted is being done with an eye on the future state of our mental health system. However, consideration needs to be given to the arrangements needed to ensure services continue while the new system is being created. Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan looks at the need for transition planning.

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    The Integrating Mental Health into the NDIS Conference was held by Informa Australia from 27-28 November 2014 in Sydney. Topics covered included scheme design, emerging lessons from the launch sites, the changing landscape for service providers, integrating the NDIS with other service systems and maximising choice and control. Presenters included Frank Quinlan, CEO of Mental Health Australia and Josh Fear, Director Policy and Projects, Mental Health Australia, David Butt, CEO and Commissioner of the National Mental Health Commission, Eddie Bartnik, NDIA Strategic Advisor NDIA , Nick Hartland, Group Manager, NDIS Department of Social Services, David Meldrum Executive Director of the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia and a range of other key stakeholders including consumers and carers. Video footage and slideshow presentations for many of the sessions can be accessed here.

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    Mental Health Australia works to ensure the non-government mental health sector has a voice in reforming the important services and programs provided for people living with a mental illness and those who care for them. Through this, we can ensure a better future for these many Australians.

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    Ahead of the COAG Leaders Retreat, the mental health sector has written to the Prime Minister and First Ministers calling for urgent action on reforms COAG agreed to in 2012. This includes the adoption of clear targets and indicators for improving mental health outcomes as well as a fully developed and funded national agreement on mental health reform.

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    The Australian Government has established a Mental Health Expert Reference Group ( ERG ) to provide advice to inform the response to the Review of Mental Health Programmes and Services. The Government tasked the National Mental Health Commission to undertake the Review, and consultation with the time limited ERG and other stakeholders is now underway to inform implementation considerations and action. Information about the members of the Mental Health ERG are listed here.

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    Perspectives Newsletter - May/June 2015.The development of the National Disability Insurance Scheme ( NDIS ) is overwhelmingly a positive direction for healthcare in Australia. It has great potential to improve the lives of people with psychosocial disability associated with mental illness. However, if we are to meet the needs of these people it is absolutely crucial that we take action now to get the broad architecture of the scheme right.

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    Perspectives Newsletter - May/June 2015. It’s been a busy month in the political space in relation to mental health. Over the last month we’ve had the release of the National Mental Health Commission’s Review into Programmes and Services, as well as the 2015 Federal Budget. While the Budget had very little to say about mental health, the release of the Review spells out the issues and also possible solutions for change, and provides a clear pathway to reform.


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