Media Releases


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    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) has today called for a decade of systemic reform of Australia’s mental health system, as it released its third submission to the National Mental Health Commission’s Review of Mental Health Services and Programs. “For too long Australia has had a substandard mental health ‘system’. Services and systems are poorly integrated, overseen by different parts of government, based on widely differing organising principles, and not working towards a common goal for improved outcomes,” MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan said.

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) has today called on businesses across the country to make mental health and wellbeing a priority for staff and management. “Australians spend a huge portion of their lives at work, so it’s very important to place a spotlight on mental health in the workplace,” said MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan.

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) has today released a Key Issues Brief containing key facts about people on the Disability Support Pension ( DSP ) to address a range of misconceptions in relation to mental illness. “Contrary to some recent commentary, DSP recipients with mental illness are most likely to be people who want to work, but due to stigma and discrimination, and a range of significant and debilitating conditions, can’t.” MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan said.

  • Media Releases

    The MHCA was tonight encouraged to see the Commonwealth Government meet its pre-election commitments to mental health. “We welcome the expected funding commitment to youth mental health, Headspace, the Mental Health Nurse Incentive Programme, and the 12 month extension of funding to the Personal Helpers and Mentors Programme. “We are concerned about some of the measures, and the long term impact they may have on the mental wellbeing of the nation – especially young people. “During this period of substantial reform we must ensure that existing services are maintained or new services established, so that vulnerable people are not left without support while systemic change is implemented.

  • Media Releases

    The roll-out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme should be focussed on getting it right, not getting it quickly says CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia Frank Quinlan following his appearance this morning on the Sky News Saturday Agenda program.

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) today welcomed the appointment of former WA Mental Health Commissioner Eddie Bartnik to the National Disability Insurance Agency ( NDIA ) as their new strategic advisor on mental health.

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) has today welcomed the release of Mindframe’s latest resource for media professionals and journalists for reporting suicide and mental illness. “Language can have a significant impact on how we think about an issue. We acknowledge that the language we use around mental health can impact people in a detrimental way. Casual misuse can actually act as a barrier to people seeking help, and impact their confidence in their recovery journey, ” Frank Quinlan, CEO of the MHCA said.

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) renewed its call for a new vision for the mental health sector following the release of ‘Crossroads’, a report commissioned by by Inspire Foundation. This new report highlights the fundamental failure of our current mental health system,” MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan said at the launch of the report this morning.

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) today welcomed the Abbott Government’s new drought assistance package, praising the focus on increased mental health services in regional Australia

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) has today welcomed the release of the Terms of Reference for the National Mental Health Commission’s review into the mental health system in Australia. “There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the mental health system in Australia is in need of reform. We will focus on ensuring the review has tangible and useful evidence from across the sector, so that the final report leads to real and lasting change,” MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan said today.


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