Media Releases


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    Frank Quinlan, CEO of the MHCA , talks with Fran Kelly, ABC Radio National about the questions remaining about how mental health services will be integrated into the NDIS .

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    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) is calling on governments across Australia to commit to real and meaningful reform of mental health programs and services, following today’s release of the 2nd annual independent report by the National Mental Health Commission.

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    A number of high profile Australians are getting behind World Mental Health Day this year, with celebrities, business people, politicians, sporting stars and organisations making a personal mental health promise.

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    Grace Groom Memorial Oration 9 October 2013 and World Mental Health Day Doorstop 10 October 2013

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    According to new research by the Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ), four out of ten Australians who use mental health services are very satisfied with them.

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    More than one in five Australians have experienced discrimination in the workplace due to mental illness, according to new research by the Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ). The research has been conducted as part of this year’s World Mental Health Day campaign. “When 22% of people surveyed tell us that they have witnessed discrimination in the workplace, relating to mental illness, it shows that we have a serious problem with stigma in this country,” MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan said today.

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    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) welcomed the major parties’ mental health policy announcements, which both highlight the reform challenge that lies ahead. “The announcement of significant inquiries into mental health gives us some hope that lasting reform can be achieved,” MHCA CEO Mr Frank Quinlan said. “The mental health system is broken. While it needs more funding, it also needs substantial reform. We hope that a root and branch review will bring order to the chaotic system that we currently have.”

  • Media Releases

    The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) has today welcomed the mental health policy launch from the Australian Greens, using the occasion to ask why the other major parties have been silent on mental health during this election campaign. “Despite there being almost three million registered voters who will experience mental illness this year, the ALP and the Coalition are yet to release any significant mental health policy,” MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan said today.

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    The Mental Health Council of Australia has today welcomed the Government’s support for a Productivity Commission Inquiry into the mental health system. The Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, the Hon Senator Jacinta Collins, made the announcement this morning at The Mental Health Services (TheMHS) Conference in Melbourne. The MHCA has been in discussions with the Government and the Coalition for some time about the terms of reference for a Productivity Commission Inquiry.

  • Media Releases

    beyondblue and the Mental Health Council of Australia are stepping up their campaign to end practices in the Australian insurance industry that may discriminate against people with a mental illness. The organisations are urging more potential victims of discrimination to come forward, share their stories and participate in the move to redress this issue. beyondblue CEO Kate Carnell AO said Australians with an experience of mental illness are regularly denied insurance cover, forced to pay higher premiums or have their claim rejected because of their illness.


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