Newsletters / Bulletins


  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    As we race towards the end of the year, the team at Mental Health Australia celebrated the festive season early last week with our annual staff party, and what a year to celebrate. It was a lovely, sunny afternoon – and a chance to thank the staff for their efforts and achievements over this past 12 months.

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    Summer for me is usually associated with too much food, lots of afternoon naps, and more time with my kids as they finish up school. However, if the first six days are anything to go by, summer will be a devastating struggle for much of our nation…

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    A passerby at our Members Policy Forum at Parliament House on Tuesday could have easily mistaken the discussion for a building construction meeting. Words like foundations, plans, structure, delivery, systems and design were mentioned and discussed at length…

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    For more than a decade now the name Grace Groom has been synonymous with Mental Health Australia’s approach to advocacy and reform.

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    The Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health will hand down its Final Report on 23 May 2020, and at this draft stage the message we are hearing from both the PC , and Government, is that we - the sector - can still help shape and influence the Final Report. And we must.

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    One week on from the release of the Productivity Commission Inquiry’s Draft Report into Mental Health, I know our policy team will enjoy a well-earned break this weekend, having compiled such a detailed Preliminary Analysis for the benefit of members and stakeholders.

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    Today’s Draft Report from the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health mentions the word ‘more’ over 1500 times, because clearly there is a lot more to do. The word ‘less’ is mentioned half that amount, and even less, if you consider the words ‘regardless’, ‘less-likely’ and ‘homelessness’ in context. In short, we can’t find anywhere in the 1261 pages where the Draft Report suggests ‘to do less’ to improve our mental system.

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    For the last twelve months we have acknowledged the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health as a once in a generation opportunity for true and lasting mental health reform.

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    As I begin to write this final update I am sitting in seat 13D on a flight from Sydney to Townsville, ahead of the World Mental Health Day events to be celebrated there tomorrow. Given this is my last week in the role, perhaps it’s fitting that it’s an exit row!

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    At Mental Health Australia, we are gearing up for what is looking to be a rewarding, busy and exciting World Mental Health Day next Thursday 10 October.


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