Newsletters / Bulletins

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this issue: 1. Carers still struggling; 2. Educational drug website launched; 3. Programs and resources for carers and consumers; 4. Effect of an Advocacy Intervention on Mental Health in Chinese Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence - a randomized controlled trial; 5. Failure to identify and address mental health problems costing NHS billions; 6. Mental health and employment - job well done: Employment and mental health problems, a guide for funders; 7. Report shows 7.5 million children live with a parent with an alcohol use disorder; 8. Changes in mental health services and suicide mortality in Norway: an ecological study; 9. Join a carer focus group - Mental Illness - 23 February 2012; 10. out of 89 in four hours

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this issue: 1. Website helps people with mental illness and their carers deal with insurance; 2. New prescription drugs monitoring model opens door to target alcohol harm; 3. Losing your religion has link with disorders; 4. The importance of patients’ perceptions in avoiding depression from chronic illnesses; 5. Clinical practice guideline for the management of Borderline Personality Disorder; 6. Spotlight on eating disorders; 7. “A disease like any other”? A decade of change in public reactions to schizophrenia, depression and alcohol dependence; 8. Suspect gene variants boost PTSD risk after mass shooting - Profile of risk emerging for trauma-triggered molecular scars; 9. Top ten research priorities relating to life after stroke; 10. Understanding mood disorders & resilience – Information session

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this issue: 1. Changes to Better Access; 2. Depression is an illness, not a life choice; 3. New diagnosis could confuse mental health care; 4. National study shows majority of self-harming adolescents don’t receive a mental health assessment during emergency room visit; 5. Implementation of mental health service recommendations in England and Wales and suicide rates, 1997—2006: a cross-sectional and before-and-after observational study; 6. How a parent’s education can affect the mental health of their offspring; 7. Atypical antipsychotic more effective than older drugs in treating childhood mania, but side effects can be serious; 8. Naturally produced protein could boost brain repair; 9. Emergency management trauma and resilience; 10. Mental health patients release second album of uplifting music

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this issue: 1. Mental health policy ‘fails to show results’; 2. How do we measure change in mental health?; 3. Integrating tobacco cessation into mental health care for post-traumatic stress disorder; 4. Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association – free mental health training & event promotion; 5. 5 innovative ways mental health care is more accessible; 6. County unveils bold health plan for poor - public, private agencies collaborate on integrated care system, one of first of its kind; 7. Hope for those with a depressive disposition; 8. Assessment of a multi-assay, serum-based biological diagnostic test for major depressive disorder: a pilot and replication study; 9. Breaking the stigma of mental illness in the workplace; 10. Completing the unfinished revolution in mental health - The physical health of patients with mental illnesses

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this issue: 1. Open for Business: Australia’s First National Mental Health Commission; 2. Mental health gets new champion; 3. Mental health reform roadmap needs work; 4. Magic mushrooms may help with depression, say leading scientists - UK ; 5. Poverty and mental disorders: breaking the cycle in low-income and middle-income countries - UK ; 6. Legal coercion: the elephant in the recovery room - Scotland; 7. Beating the blues; 8. Family ties helping teenagers rise above anorexia; 9. Mental Health Consumer Reference Group; 10. Stressed for success

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this issue: 1. Mood boosting reading matter; 2. 2012, the year of mental health - Canada; 3. Depression is not only limited to older people; 4. Sydney doctors combat weight gain from anti-psychosis drugs; 5. Inclusion board calls for job mentors; 6. Fewer than one in ten people with schizophrenia show sustained improvement over 3 years; 7. Federal government announces mental health reform; 8. A New Ten Year Plan for Mental Health; 9. Mental health plan ‘too vague’ to be of use; 10. Report highlights level of stigma from health professionals

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this Issue: World Mental Health Day; World Mental Health Day Promotions; Media Coverage; Mark Butler & World Mental Health Day; Mental Health Council of Australia; World Mental Health Day; Senator Penny Wright – World Mental Health Day can Increase Awareness and Resilience; Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells – World Mental Health Day; Mary Woolridge – Minister Woolridge Launches Mental Health Week; Anna Bligh – Premier Urges Queenslanders to Change their Minds About Mental Illness; Isobel Redman – Let’s Talk about Mental Health; Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia – World Mental Health Day; AGPN – Mental Health Investment in Primary Health Care Reaps Benefits; Kon Vatskalis – Action Urged on Key Issue; Official Launch – World Mental Health Day Forum, 7 October 2011; New MHCA Logo; Privacy, Confidentiality and Information Sharing – Consumers, Carers and Clinicians

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this Issue: Starting at the MHCA – Frank Quinlan; MHCA CEO Grace Groom Memorial Oration 2011; Launch of Mental Health, Discrimination and Insurance: A Survey of Consumer Experiences 2011; Senate Inquiry into Mental Health; Trying to Change Attitudes Towards Mental Illness – That’s Mental; National Disability Insurance Scheme – the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and Support; Challenge for Policy on Mental Illness; NMHCCF 2011 Workshop

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this Issue: Mental Health Forums; The Minister’s Forums; The Ongoing Stigma of Mental Health; Launch of Carers Report 2010; Adverse Event Reporting; Our Consumer Place; Staff Changes at the MHCA ; Changes to the MHCA Board; National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Representation

  • Newsletters / Bulletins

    In this Issue: World Mental Health Day Forum, 7 October 2010; Speech by Tony Fowke AM , President of the World Federation for Mental Health; Consensus Close but Funding Gets in the Way; World Mental Health Day Awareness Campaign; Mental Health Input to PBAC Decisions; Supporting and Developing the Consumer and Carer Identified Workforce; NMHCCF Launches Mental Health Consumer and Carer Workforce Paper; MHCA WMHD Photography Competition; Ombudsman’s Report; Disability Employment Issues Update; MHCA Office Bake-off


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