Mental Health Australia is pleased to release a Statement on Addressing Unmet Need for Psychosocial Support Outside the NDIS . This Statement, developed in...
Mental Health Australia’s 2023 Report to the Nation provides a “pulse-check” of the mental health and wellbeing of people in Australia. Over half of...
This report provides a rich and valuable evidence base to augment and support the NDIA ’s work to deliver the most appropriate support to NDIS participants...
At Mental Health Australia our vision is for mentally healthy people, and mentally healthy communities. Investing to Save presents a major contribution towards that vision. It shows how we can, with the right targeted investments, improve the mental health of our community, and in turn the mental wealth of the nation. There have been many reviews, inquires and other various investigations into Australia’s mental health system. But this is a report unlike any other. Investing to Save: The economic benefits for Australia of investment in mental health reform, tackles a set of complex issues from a new perspective, and a new pragmatic approach to the scale of the task of reforming our mental health system.
In January 2018, the National Disability Insurance Agency ( NDIA ) engaged Mental Health Australia to conduct consultations to inform the design of a tailored...
Commissioned by Mental Health Australia, this report by Urbis presents a broad based synthesis of current research with economic implications applied to an Australian context. It provides thought provoking reading for policy makers, academics and commissioners of mental health services.
The final report outlining recommendations arising from a joint project between Mental Health Australia and the National Disability Insurance Agency ( NDIA ) to identify optimal packages of support for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability.
Mental Health Australia - the independent peak body representing mental health stakeholders and issues in Australia - developed an independent annual benchmark...
Our Annual Report for 2019-20 and Financial Report 2019/29 were tabled at our Annual General Meeting on 10 December 2020. For a full list of our Annual and...