• Publications

    A 2 page summary of the 10 recommendations of the MHCA publication Home Truths.

  • Publications

    Four key themes for a new style of mental health reform are highlighted in this report. These are: promoting early intervention for all severe disorders among young people; providing effective pharmacological and psychological treatments in primary care; maximising returns to full social and economic participation; and investing in innovation, research and sustainability.

  • Publications

    This document is a summary of the Investing in Australia’s Future report and outlines immediate actions proposed by a wide coalition of health, community and social welfare groups.

  • Publications

    This groundbreaking report details the scope and nature of stigma experienced by mental health consumers when seeking support and treatment from mental health and other health professionals.

  • Consumer and Carer Experiences of Stigma from Mental Health Professonals A study by the MHCA , Consumer and Carer Experiences of Stigma from Mental Health and Other Health Professionals , has revealed that the levels of stigma experienced by mental health consumers seeking treatment from mental health and other health professionals are similar to the levels of stigma reported in the general population. A downloadable copy of this report can be found on our Publications page.

  • MHCA Bulletin 2012

  • Medicines and Other Treatments This health information portal is the result of work undertaken by the MHCA /Pharma Collaboration in 2010-11. Its purpose is to assist mental health consumers and carers to: · Connect to useful and trustworthy information about medication and other treatments for mental illness; · Choose the most appropriate and cost effective treatment (medicine or other) to suit their lifestyle, and; · Develop the knowledge and skills required to use medications appropriately, safely and to their best effect. Click on one of the following links for medicines and treatment information specific to each mental illness category: Depressive Disorders Anxiety Disorders Schizophrenia and related psychoses Bi-polar disorder Personality Disorders Eating Disorders To search for information on specific medicines please click on one of the following links: Therapeutic Goods Administration ( TGA ), Search engine: Consumer Medicines Information ( CMI ) National Prescribing Service ( NPS ), Search engine: Consumer Medicines Information ( CMI ) For information on the effectiveness of different online mental health interventions: ANU Centre for Mental Health Research, Beacon

  • Newsletters 2012 2011 2010 2009

  • Publications

    Consumers and Carers Checklist Discussing your healthcare with your clinician is an important way to ensure that you and your clinician make the right choices for you.

  • Report

    Research reveals that people with mental illness are more likely to have physical illnesses such as diabetes and are less likely to have these physical illnesses diagnosed and treated. This guide provides some steps that can be taken to keep healthy both mentally and physically.


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