

In January 2018, the National Disability Insurance Agency ( NDIA ) engaged Mental Health Australia to conduct consultations to inform the design of a tailored...


Mental Health Treatment Options. Questions you may wish to discuss with your mental health practitioner. When talking to your mental health practitioner, there are questions that you could consider asking. You may not want to ask all of these questions. Tick those that you would like to ask.

Newsletters / Bulletins

Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan is on holiday this week so we asked Consumer Advocate and former National Mental Health Commissioner, Janet Meagher, to be our guest blogger and outline a project she and her colleagues have been working on. I would like to take this opportunity to raise awareness in the mental health community of some landmark activity that has been going on...

Our Projects

Mental Health Australia is currently undertaking a number of projects to improve mental health services for all Australians. 

Health professionals, psychosocial disability and the NDIS

This project aims to identify how health professionals can be supported to assist consumers with psychosocial disability to access the NDIS

My Health Record

Mental Health Australia urges member organisations and mental health consumers and carers to support My Health Record, and to make an informed choice about online privacy.

My Health Record is an online summary of a person’s important health information that will assist GPs and other healthcare providers to make fully-informed treatment decisions. Australians can choose to have or cancel their My Health Record at any point in their life.


Mental Health Australia’s submission to the Review of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee’s guidelines.

Newsletters / Bulletins

Read about the Carer Gateway Advisory Group meeting, the new SA Mental Health Commission, an update on the MH iMA project and the recent MHISSC meeting


The Integrating Mental Health into the NDIS Conference was held by Informa Australia from 27-28 November 2014 in Sydney. Topics covered included scheme design, emerging lessons from the launch sites, the changing landscape for service providers, integrating the NDIS with other service systems and maximising choice and control. Presenters included Frank Quinlan, CEO of Mental Health Australia and Josh Fear, Director Policy and Projects, Mental Health Australia, David Butt, CEO and Commissioner of the National Mental Health Commission, Eddie Bartnik, NDIA Strategic Advisor NDIA , Nick Hartland, Group Manager, NDIS Department of Social Services, David Meldrum Executive Director of the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia and a range of other key stakeholders including consumers and carers. Video footage and slideshow presentations for many of the sessions can be accessed here.


This workshop was organised by Mental Health Australia in partnership with Psychiatric disability Services of Victoria ( VICSERV ) to support organisations in Victoria to prepare for transitioning to the NDIS . It is one of one of a series of organisational readiness workshops which are being held in each state and territory by Mental Health Australia in collaboration with state and territory mental health peaks. Funding was provided by the National Disability Insurance Agency. The following presentations are available for viewing.

Media Releases

People who regularly and voluntarily care for someone with a mental illness spend an average of 104 hours per week in their caring role, often with very little support>/p>


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