
National Disability Insurance Scheme Capacity Building for the Mental Health Sector Project 2013/14 - Capacity building, sector development and links to other information resources


The National Disability Insurance Scheme Capacity Building for the Mental Health Sector Project 2013/14 - Frequently Asked Questions


The Administrative Appeals Tribunal ( AAT ) has been vested with the authority to hear and seek to resolve disputes between applicants for the NDIS , participants in the scheme and the agency.


The Launch Sites At this stage, only two sites (Hunter and Barwon) are accepting people with psychosocial disability associated with mental illness. From July...


The following links will take you to the pricing and support documents on the National Disability Insurance Agency website.


The resources below provide information about goal setting and the development of support plans.


The information below is based on what the MHCA has determined about mental health programs and services that are ‘in scope’ for the NDIS and the types of non-clinical supports listed in the pricing clusters and that we know our member services provide to people with psychosocial disability.


The NDIS rules are fundamental to the operation of the scheme and determining who is in, who is out and what the agency will and won’t do and can and cannot do within the constraints of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.


The following is a list of resources that provide general information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme including the report from the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and support in Australia that was the catalyst for the establishment of the scheme, the legislation, the rules pertaining to the NDIS and the operational guidelines that articulate how it will work in practice. In addition, generic information about the timeframe for the implementation of the scheme and the content of the bi-lateral agreements can be found here.

Newsletters / Bulletins

In this update read about the PAG and Working Groups, launch site visits, a Mental Health Sector meeting with the Chair of the NDIA Board and an update on housing and the NDIS .


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