Media Releases
25 February 2015
Mental Health Australia today welcomed the release of the McClure Review of Australia’s Welfare System - A New System for Better Employment and Social Outcomes. “This much awaited report brings welcome attention to some of the systems that support Australians with mental illness,” Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said today. “But as Patrick McClure has said before, we cannot consider the welfare system without consideration of the system that provides recovery support.”
Newsletters / Bulletins
23 February 2015
In this update, read about the first meeting of the NDIA Mental Health Sector Reference Group, the scope of a new project to design individual supports for people with psychosocial disability and two important and urgent consultation opportunities on the NDIS Tier 2 Framework and the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework.
Media Releases
16 February 2015
Australians living with mental illness, and those who care for them, are resting easier today knowing the community based mental health services they rely on have been provided greater funding certainty. This certainty comes following the announcement by the Assistant Minister for Social Services, the Hon Mitch Fifield, regarding mental health programs supported by the Department of Social Security. “With the welcome, but complex reforms associated with the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and as we await the National Mental Health Commission’s Review of Mental Health Services and Programmes, any certainty that can be provided to people who participate in these programs is a very positive development,” Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said today.
16 December 2014
Perspectives Newsletter - December 2014. David Meldrum from the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia discusses the NDIS roll-out and how experience, hope and optimism, may have led us astray, with people affected by serious mental illness and their families the potential losers.
10 December 2014
This workshop was organised by Mental Health Australia in partnership with Psychiatric disability Services of Victoria ( VICSERV ) to support organisations in Victoria to prepare for transitioning to the NDIS . It is one of one of a series of organisational readiness workshops which are being held in each state and territory by Mental Health Australia in collaboration with state and territory mental health peaks. Funding was provided by the National Disability Insurance Agency. The following presentations are available for viewing.
Newsletters / Bulletins
5 December 2014
This week has been a busy one with a Parliamentary Breakfast, a CEO Forum convened by the NDIA , a Board meeting, a meeting with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Complex Needs Alliance. Read all about it here.
Newsletters / Bulletins
28 November 2014
In this week’s update read about the Integrating Mental Health into the NDIS Conference, the 2nd World Congress on Integrated Care, a meeting of the National Coalition for Suicide Prevention and the new Victorian Mental Health Complaints Commissioner.
Media Releases
27 November 2014
Mental Health Australia has today called for governments to ensure the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme ( NDIS ) does not reduce services for people with mental illness. “While it’s true that some people have received good support under the Scheme, we are consistently hearing feedback from the trial sites that people with a disability relating to mental illness are too often being left confused and disheartened,” Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan said.
17 November 2014
NDIS and mental health: the story so far (presentations and videos)
Newsletters / Bulletins
14 November 2014
In this week’s update read about the H20 Summit, Federation Whitepaper process, our new survey on continuity of funding and more.