
Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan delivered an opening statement to the Joint Standing Committee’s public hearing on the National Disability Insurance Scheme on 28 April 2017 in Melbourne…


In its submission, Mental Health Australia highlights that the mental health sector has had no involvement in setting prices for psychosocial supports provided through the NDIS . As a result, current pricing constraints are creating a challenging business environment for providers and pressure to reduce the quality and scope of services, and to hire less skilled and qualified staff. To rectify this, it calls for the NDIA to include services providers, consumers and carers in setting and reviewing the price of psychosocial supports for NDIS participants.

Media Releases

Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan has today welcomed the release of the Draft Fifth National Mental Health Plan and is encouraging all stakeholders to...

Media Releases

Mental Health Australia, Community Mental Health Australia and the ACT Mental Health Community Coalition have today labeled news that the NDIS is now full as a...


Mental Health Australia and Community Mental Health wrote to the COAG Disability Reform Council urging them to include mental health specific terms of reference in the 2017 Productivity Commission review of the NDIS .

Newsletters / Bulletins

In this update, you can read about the new NDIS price guide, a Benchmarking study, upcoming webinars and workshops, a Productivity Commission Review of the NDIS and much more.


Mental Health Australia made two submissions on the draft Commissioning Framework for Information, Linkages and Capacity Building. The first submission...


Mental Health Australia’s submission to the National Disability Insurance Agency on their Personal Care and Community Participation 2016/17 Price Review.

Newsletters / Bulletins

In this update, Mental Health Australia announces that Richmond Wellbeing has been engaged to develop and deliver NDIS peer education and train the trainer workshops nationally as a part of Mental Health Australia’s NDIS Sector Development Fund Capacity Building Project. You can also read about: • a review of NDIS pricing for personal care and community participation • an open consultation on NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation • NDIS and mental health as discussed at Mental Health Australia’s Member’s Policy Forum • NDIS Local Area Coordination partners in Victoria • the roll out of the NDIS in Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania • the latest transcript from the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS • a NDIS NSW Market Position Statement • a NSW Mental Health Commission video on NDIS and mental health • a recent NDIS Remote Disability Services Provider Forum • the latest NDIS e-Newsletter.


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