19 May 2017
This supplementary submission, prepared for the Joint Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme in response to its question on what needs to change for the Scheme to have a recovery focus for people with psychosocial disability. The submission sets out the various legislative provisions that are not conducive to recovery-oriented practice and provides options for addressing that. The submission was jointly made by Mental Health Australia, the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia and Community Mental Health Australia following our joint appearance before the Committee in Melbourne on 28 April 2017.
9 May 2017
This document details some of the key measures in the 2017-18 Federal Budget that are likely to be of interest to mental health stakeholders. See Mental Health Australia’s press release welcoming the Budget initiatives on mental health.
28 April 2017
Mental Health Australia CEO Frank Quinlan delivered an opening statement to the Joint Standing Committee’s public hearing on the National Disability Insurance Scheme on 28 April 2017 in Melbourne…
20 April 2017
In its submission, Mental Health Australia highlights that the mental health sector has had no involvement in setting prices for psychosocial supports provided through the NDIS . As a result, current pricing constraints are creating a challenging business environment for providers and pressure to reduce the quality and scope of services, and to hire less skilled and qualified staff. To rectify this, it calls for the NDIA to include services providers, consumers and carers in setting and reviewing the price of psychosocial supports for NDIS participants.
Mental Health Australia and the ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service have published a fact sheet on supported decision making, psychosocial disability and the NDIS.
7 July 2016
Mental Health Australia and Community Mental Health wrote to the COAG Disability Reform Council urging them to include mental health specific terms of reference in the 2017 Productivity Commission review of the NDIS .
Newsletters / Bulletins
20 June 2016
In this update, you can read about the new NDIS price guide, a Benchmarking study, upcoming webinars and workshops, a Productivity Commission Review of the NDIS and much more.
27 April 2016
Mental Health Australia made two submissions on the draft Commissioning Framework for Information, Linkages and Capacity Building. The first submission...