consumers and carers


The resources below provide information about goal setting and the development of support plans.


The information below is based on what the MHCA has determined about mental health programs and services that are ‘in scope’ for the NDIS and the types of non-clinical supports listed in the pricing clusters and that we know our member services provide to people with psychosocial disability.


The NDIS rules are fundamental to the operation of the scheme and determining who is in, who is out and what the agency will and won’t do and can and cannot do within the constraints of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.


The following is a list of resources that provide general information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme including the report from the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and support in Australia that was the catalyst for the establishment of the scheme, the legislation, the rules pertaining to the NDIS and the operational guidelines that articulate how it will work in practice. In addition, generic information about the timeframe for the implementation of the scheme and the content of the bi-lateral agreements can be found here.


Consumers and Carers Checklist Discussing your healthcare with your clinician is an important way to ensure that you and your clinician make the right choices for you.


In May 2013, the Mental Health Council of Australia and the National Mental Health Commission co-hosted two workshops on targets and indicators for mental health reform. At the first workshop mental health consumer and carer representatives discussed their priorities for targets and indicators.

Media Releases

Recognition and Respect: Mental Health Carers Report 2012 was officially launched on 28 November 2012 today by the Hon Mark Butler, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Senator Jan McLucas, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers and Jackie Crowe, National Mental Health Commissioner, at Parliament House. The report, commissioned by the Mental Health Council of Australia, provides an insight into the lives of some of the most dedicated yet vulnerable members of our community: people who regularly care for someone with a mental illness.

Media Releases

Recognition and Respect: Mental Health Carers Report 2012 was officially launched on 28 November 2012 by the Hon Mark Butler, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Senator Jan McLucas, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers and Jackie Crowe, National Mental Health Commissioner, at Parliament House. The report, commissioned by the Mental Health Council of Australia, provides an insight into the lives of some of the most dedicated yet vulnerable members of our community: people who regularly care for someone with a mental illness.

Media Releases

The Mental Health Council of Australia has welcomed the release of Australia’s first National Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. “The National Report Card gives us a snapshot of where Australia currently is and takes a whole-of-life approach, looking at physical health, employment, relationships, education, housing and homelessness, community participation, family and child support and justice. This shows us that we’ve come a long way over the last 20 or so years, but we still have a long way to go”, said Mr Frank Quinlan, CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia.

Media Releases

More than 90 ninety mental health and social services organisations have joined forces to review the way services are provided to people affected by mental illness in Australia, following their first ever Council of Non-Government Organisations ( CONGO ) on Mental Health meeting in Canberra. “In many ways, Australia is already a world-leader in mental health” says Frank Quinlan, CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia, which co-hosted the historic meeting along with the National Mental Health Commission.


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