mental health

Speeches / Transcripts

More than a year into the National Disability Insurance Scheme ( NDIS ) trial, this opening statement conveys the views of Mental Health Australia in relation to the implementation of the NDIS .

Media Releases

To mark World Mental Health Day, sector peak Mental Health Australia is running their ‘Mental Health Begins with Me!’ campaign, encouraging people to take personal ownership of their own mental health and wellbeing.


This submission outlines some of the key impacts that income inequality can have on health, housing and employment outcomes for mental health consumers and carers. Mental Health Australia offers some proposals to reduce income inequality by ensuring that income support payments are adequate to enable people to meet the costs of living including higher costs associated with living with mental illness and/or disability and caring.


Perspectives Newsletter - August 2014.Young leaders from took Parliamentarians on a hands-on tour of e-mental health services at Parliament House in August. Director of Communications and Marketing, Michael Garnett takes us through this unique event co-hosted with the Parliamentary Friends of Youth Mental Health ( PFYMH ).


Perspectives Newsletter - August 2014. Welfare is currently the subject of heated debate. Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on who should receive welfare, when, how much and why. In this article, Mental Health Australia’s CEO discusses the key issues surrounding welfare reform in Australia.


The MHCA has responded to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Discussion Paper into its Inquiry into Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws. The MHCA broadly supports the ALRC ’s proposals regarding supported decision-making, but is disappointed that more specific recommendations about mental health and insurance have not been made.

Media Releases

The Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) has today called for a decade of systemic reform of Australia’s mental health system, as it released its third submission to the National Mental Health Commission’s Review of Mental Health Services and Programs. “For too long Australia has had a substandard mental health ‘system’. Services and systems are poorly integrated, overseen by different parts of government, based on widely differing organising principles, and not working towards a common goal for improved outcomes,” MHCA CEO Frank Quinlan said.


This is the third submission from the Mental Health Council of Australia ( MHCA ) to the National Mental Health Commission ( NMHC ) to inform the NMHC ’s current review of mental health programmes. It articulates the MHCA ’s priorities for the mental health system going forward. The contents are informed by detailed consultations with consumers and carers and other mental health stakeholders and proposes priorities and actions to drive long term policy and systemic reforms


This document contains the minutes of the teleconference of the Mental Health Council of Australia’s NDIS Capacity Building Project – Project Advisory Group meeting. The Project Advisory Group is meeting on an on-going basis to provide expert advice to the MHCXA about the needs of the mental health sector in relation to the NDIS .

Speeches / Transcripts

CEO Frank Quinlan’s opening statement to the Senate Inquiry into the Commission of Audit’s public hearing on 18 February 2014.


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